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the person below me

Hmm.... had to look up "fairy bread." I never liked (even as a kid) sugar cookies or muffins with sprinkles on them, let alone buttered bread. Sounds gross to me just "plain", and crushed red peppers and garlic powder probably couldn't help them.

TPBM likes the pretty colors, at least, and is thinking how they would come out if they were puked up.
Yes, wants a new car. Whether it will happen any time soon is another story....

TPBM blew a raspberry some time in the last 24 hours.
"Blew a raspberry"???? :rofl:
If you mean farted by that, then prolly so!

TPBM will explain what raspberries have to do with farting......
G, its when you press your lips (usually on someone's belly) or body somewhere or even your own and blow..... making an obscene farting noise normally.

Tpbm thinks raspberries tickle.....
My whole life is a movie. I see people following me everywhere :scared:

TPBM knows that just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching you!
Yes but paranoia to a certain extent seems to have a habit or running to excess.

TPBM wonders where the people who were talking about dating in this thread have gone off to? ;)
I was watching them through my telescope. They were at a diner drinking coffee and laughing. I think they were laughing about us.

TPBM will finish this page with something witty.