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the person below me

Nah - chicken tortilla soup is heating up right now. I'm good!

TPBM will make it stop raining until the roofer guys replace my roof. (Yeah, I'm a bit delusional.... :lol: )
You'll have to ask someone who hung out with me at PATB about that..... Oh wait - you meant a pepper pod! :lol:
No, I'm not growing any bhuts right now.

TPBM has a bee hive.
Haven't even thought of it. I pretty much stopped Christmas shopping, (except for my kids) a couple years ago, and my kids just tell me what they want when the time comes. We're trying to return our focus to what Christmas is really about.

TPBM is thinking Thanksgiving thoughts.
I love Thanksgiving. My birthday falls on it every so often. Next birthday on Thanksgiving 2017.

Tpbm doesn't think the world will exist after 12/21/2012.
No, I think you are a realist, at least in that regard. Who of us can honestly say we are healthy, happy, and have NO issues 100% of the time?

TPBM can think of ONE person (who wasn't JUST born).... :lol:
Judging by all the crying and all that when a baby comes out, I'd say even those who are just born are not happy!

TPBM located Joey.

(Good question... where is he??)
Nope. But even if I did, I have the option to step out today at any time I desire, so it's no biggie....

TPBM will send me a new seal for my espresso machine so I can have a decent coffee.
Nah, I have no empathy for your coffee addiction! Now if you'd like a lovely travel tea mug like this one, let me know!

TPBM wonders if the moon will outlast the sun.
No, it won't. I'll explain.....

In approximately 5 to 7.5 billion years, the Sun will have used up it's Hydrogen. In an effort to stay alive, it will start fusing Helium. In order to do that, it needs to become bigger and hotter. The Sun will then expand to a Red Giant, consuming Mercury, Venus, Earth and half way to Mars. When it gets to that point, the solar winds will slowly disintegrate Mars and strip away the atmospheres of the outer gas giants. Being that Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are completely gas, they will just slowly evaporate to nothing. The only planet that will survive will be Neptune. It will too have it's atmosphere stripped away and will have nothing but it's solid rocky core. After another 500-Million to 1-Billion years, or so, the Sun will have used up it's Helium reserves and will collapse into a White Dwarf approximately the size of Earth and start using it's electron reserves. When this happens, Neptune will no longer have enough gravity to stay in orbit and be flung off into deep space as a Rogue Planet, to wander alone for the rest of time. After another 10 to 100 million years, the Sun will have used up the last of it's electron reserve and blink out as a cold dead rock in space.

TPBM feels kind of sad now.
Well, if you have 10 then you have 6. You just also happen to have more than 6. ;)
Sorry to burst your paradigm, but if you're an active member here, you are NOT NORMAL!


TPBM knows this is not news.