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the person below me

I'm sure I've read one of Jeffery Deaver's before but can't remember which one now! Would have to be one of his earlier ones... it was a long time ago... The Bone Collector maybe. The storyline kinda rings a bell (and no, I haven't seen the movie, so that rules that out as cause for bell ringing). Yep... I'm going with The Bone Collector... only I don't really remember it now. :lol:
Ha! Great poem, BTW! Was the book published??
TPBM can answer this question for me.
No I did my own thing and have sold around 150 copies to date.

TPBM also needs to know these authors:
William Deihl, John Kellerman & Joseph Wambaugh
Wow, I did not know that Primal Fear was an adaptation of a book. I will certainly keep those authors in mind... particularly William Deihl... I thought that was a good movie and as we all know 99% of the time the book is much better. In fact, I'm going up to the library today to see if it's there.
(150 copies? Impressive!)
TPBM has read Stephen King's Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption and watched the movie, then made the very rare call that the movie was better.
I loved Shawshank (movie) , but I don't like reading King.

Ya know King has the mind of a child? Yep, he keeps it in a jar on his desk. (Jk)

TPBM needs to read "Thai Horse" by William Deihl
TPBY has already decided that he is going to read Primal Fear first but will look for Thai Horse at the same time. ;)
King... I've read a lot. Some of it I loved, some of it was OK, some of it can go in the pile to be burned. My opinion is that he is a superb short story/novella writer and we'll leave it at that.
TPBM thinks Dean Koontz writes some good stuff but ends it far too abruptly.
Nah but I used to until I decided to de-clutter one day. I can only read a book once no matter how much I liked it the first time. They seem to lose their magic on me when I know what's going to happen. Plus, there's just so much more out there that needs to be read! And then I discovered the library too (as opposed to buying books) so they haven't been accumulating anymore.
I kinda regret it now haha but at least somebody else is getting a good read out of them!
TPBM doesn't have the same problem with books losing their magic the second time around.
I read and reread and reread. It is better now that I have my Nook. I tend to read about three at a time. Like I said, my dad was a librarian. My mom was a 30 year teacher & Sacramento county teacher of the year in 1987. I've always been surrounded by books.

TPBM does a little casual writing.
I would like to! But unfortunately I have a lot of trouble getting stuff out of my head. Even just general stuff like posting here on THP or emailing someone or whatever can be a huge strain. I dunno... I can't explain it. And it's not just writing either, I can have a lot of trouble simply just talking too.
It's a shame 'cause sometimes I really do have some great stuff going on up there that I just can't get out. :(
TPBM thinks my problems are all just in my head. (Pun intended :lol:)
You are articulate and come across knowlegeable. Your writing, that I've seen, has a voice. I would recommend keeping a journal. Just a few lines a day would alow your mind to focus and spew upon the page. All in your head? A muse awaits your efforts.YOU CAN DO IT !

TPBM will at least give it a thought.
Funny, you're the second person in the last week that has told me that I'm articulate. I don't see it... so perhaps my biggest problem is a confidence thing? But I can assure you, articulation doesn't flow freely. I sit here and I draft. Even just small things like a sentence sometimes. I write something then I have to polish it up or down. But I can see how a journal has the real potential to help. Exercise, focus and all that. Cheers, mate, it's not a bad idea at all!
TPBM is very fortunate to have gained a lot from their parents.
Not so much anymore. Well, not stoopid drankin' partyin' anyway. I think I'm getting old. But on the upside, wiser too.
TPBM never ceases to be amazed at how quickly some things in their life change once the ball gets rolling.
Does making a YouTube video make one feel young again, does it? :think:
TPBM will share the last experience that truly made them feel young again.
Making the video of me playing the comb made me feel young again. Just being silly and not giving a damn what people think, that's the key. Oh, and I once sang the banana song next to the bananas in the market. What's funny is I had others singing "Day-o,dayyyy-o" before I was done. AWESOME.


TPBM thinks I'm nuts