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outdoors The running, biking, hiking, camping forum

karoo said:
Nice hardware!!
Thanks,Im loving both these machines.
Weeki Watchee Preserve was a cool place. We circled a dozen ponds. The ponds are old phosphate minds they have filled. Crystal clear water and some nice scenery. 

Next time I'll be taking the niner.
Great looking bikes sicman.  Nothing like new gear! 
Just stumbled onto this thread recently and your posts bring back some good memories. I used to live in Temple Terrace right near Flatwoods and Trout Creek and did a lot of road and trail biking in those areas. Even got up north toward Zephyrhills and Dade City on the road bike now and again. Saw your pictures of the Alligator and snake and they reminded me of that time of year when the pygmy rattlesnakes would congregate on the track at Flatwoods and you could see several warming themselves on just single loop. Little guys could be pretty aggressive if you messed with them.
Anyhow, it's a great area for getting out year-round.  Glad to see you're taking advantage of it.
Yep, definitely still riding, just a different location.  Ride road regularly and trail and MTB when I can get out of the city.  Lot of options up here, just not all as close-by and the climate isn't as year-round favorable.
Cool thing. The State just rebuilt the bridge across the lake between Bellevue (where I live) and Seattle proper and added a separated/protected bike lane.  The new path connects with a paved trail system on the other side so it opens up lots of new options.  That will be tonight's ride.
Cool new toys, sic.
My track coach is starting to send the pics he took during the meet a couple weeks ago. This was from his analysis of my form during the 100m dash. More will be arriving over the weekend.

At least for this one he said my form was "technically very good." I'll take it! 
This is from 3 weeks ago, i wanted to go to Marmarole group (one of the less known and visited of Dolomiti) and since it was an hard hike friends wanted to biouvac to break that in 2 days, cause all we had yet to experiment that.

There's near an ex rifugio now desgnated at biovac, but key are needed for that.

The rock one is bivacco Tiziano and is the ex rifugio, the red one is Dino e Plinio Toso.


On the other side there were a very nice sight of many groups... Including south face of the famous Tre Cime di Lavaredo (north face is the most famous, if you don't know them check on the net, it's one of nature wonders).
Dolomiti are incredible, not only they look unique but also every peak is worth a visit.


Here where we slept seeing central Marmarole. We were headed not here but i'll be sure to go there asap since it looked an awesome place. On the center there's Cimon del Froppa that is the highest peak (and i plan to go there one day), the three pyramids are called Cime di Val Tana.
At some point there was a french that came and he was without water, he went around to search some without success. We gave him some. I carried a lot of water and the first day friends were laughing at that, the second one they said it was better to have brought some more.

Now on the second day, after some walk there was the peak. It's not the easiest scree out there.

From here on no one wanted to progress. At some time there was a "channel" and i had to traverse the wall. I stepped on some snow, it's always cool to do that on August...

Here i was at the fork, i though where the hell i should pass.
I had to descend a bit and work out my way till the peak, i haven't took any picture cause i didn't want to lose too much time and that's too bad since it was by far the wildest place of all the hike.
Sight from peak:


And then descending... It has been way much harder than ascending, not for technical reason, just because i nearly got lost and i had issues to find the fork. GPS track has been of help here... Even though being 5m out of the track meant 10m of climbing  :rofl: It went a bit more extreme than what i planned. :P
I lost some time to find my way so i run down the scree, i fell a couple of times and i went down like a slope, i was acquiring speed and i had to stop pointing my feet on some bigger rocks (not that it was that dangerous, still i managed to put an hole in my pants).
Well, that has been educational.
Very cool. Awesome pics. Looks like a lot of hard hiking and climbing, but rewarding in the end. What is the red splattered on the rock? 
     Gorgeous landscape to explore! Thanks for sharing. I miss mountains...
geeme said:
Very cool. Awesome pics. Looks like a lot of hard hiking and climbing, but rewarding in the end. What is the red splattered on the rock? 
     Lichen, maybe?
geeme said:
Very cool. Awesome pics. Looks like a lot of hard hiking and climbing, but rewarding in the end. What is the red splattered on the rock? 
Lots of hard hike and some easy scrambling near the end (even if while returning i climbed a couple of passages, easy but those rocks were very unstable...).
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Lichen, maybe?
Yes, maybe red moss.
geeme said:
Ah, thanks. I wonder - did you wear spikes? At least microspikes?
Do you mean crampoons and icepick? Not needed, there was just a bit snow as in photo (and some more in the "plaza" before the last scree, then nothing) and that was the north face, for the rest loads and loads of gravel (that i like opposed to most). It was really hot.
I was more thinking microspikes than full crampons, since those are often helpful on surfaces that are a bit loose. But it sounds like you didn't need even those. Regardless, gorgeous place there!
geeme said:
I was more thinking microspikes than full crampons, since those are often helpful on surfaces that are a bit loose. But it sounds like you didn't need even those. Regardless, gorgeous place there!
I've never tried microspikes, i've heard that you can use them for a short time, for a prolonged use they can rotate and become unsafe. Probably useful for some passages, but i think they are not intended for full ascensions, maybe there's people that misuses them.