food The Soup Thread

More prep pics....
Chopped the onions and mushrooms. Added the mushrooms to the pot.....and preparing to caramalize the onions in butter and some salt.....





I think I'm going to use the larger crocks. The smaller ones just don't seem to be adequate! 

To be continued...
Bonus pic of the perps:
Thanks everyone!!
geeme said:
Excellent PKY! How'd it taste?
Thanks! It was just about what you'd imagine. It had the smooth, silky broth of onion soup.....and the meaty and earthy goodness of a pot roast! I loved it....and so did Bradley. He's already talking about the leftovers!
This is the first time I've ever cared about an entry in the soup thread (no offense, I'm sure there are some great soups in here, but I just can't be bothered with soup)

I'm cravin some of that stuff french onion roast soup, gotdamn.
HTH - It's understandable since you're in Florida. I wasn't much of a soup fan when I lived in Houston, either. But now that I live in snow cold country, the tide has changed. When it's 20 below 0, nuthin' is quite as good as a steaming bowl of soup, and PKY's soup would definitely do the trick.