food The Soup Thread

Great feedback and you are right, it was the CL that I was thinking about and it has taken down many men and women including myself! As for the mystery wine I am hoping I can finally stabilize it and think I'll got from 4 to 6 or 8 plants this year! 
Horrendous weather this week.... super storms....freezing rains....decided to break out the slow cooker early this year and make a batch of pea and ham soup.... one of my favorites with a little cayenne at the end....
Looks great but boooo for buying packaged smoked ribs. :lol:

The bones look round. Weird cut.
A soup thread.
A thread I can troll!
But unfortunately.
The hot tub awaits.
Even with thunder and lightnin' all around.
I care not.
I was born in San Anotonio.
In Bexar counrty no fucks have ever been given.
'Specially for soup.
The ribs were store bought, but they were definitely not packaged. I buy them from my delicatessen and are strung up over the counter, together with all manner of smoked salami and sausages.

Yes I could do my own smoked bbq ribs, but I highly doubt they'd last long enough to make it into any soup.

Shorerider said:
The ribs were store bought, but they were definitely not packaged. I buy them from my delicatessen and are strung up over the counter, together with all manner of smoked salami and sausages.

Yes I could do my own smoked bbq ribs, but I highly doubt they'd last long enough to make it into any soup.

Stinkin' Aussie's.
Some say I'm a bitch for Aussie/Kiwi's.
I don't give a fuck.
Shorerider said:
The ribs were store bought, but they were definitely not packaged. I buy them from my delicatessen and are strung up over the counter, together with all manner of smoked salami and sausages.

Yes I could do my own smoked bbq ribs, but I highly doubt they'd last long enough to make it into any soup.

Oh that's cool!
And I think you meant back ribs... not bacon ribs??
Shorerider said:
WTF, you can buy ribs in a packet? I've never seen that, nor do I want to. I don't even buy my bacon in a packet.
I'm laying even money that our illustrious no fuct for soup giving TB buys his bacon in a packet.  
Laying 1 to 4 that he's intimately acquainted with salmon bacon or some other such as well...


What the hell does TB eat? Dude is like Mikey he hates everything. Except salmon and salmon bacon.
texas blues said:
A soup thread.
A thread I can troll!
But unfortunately.
The hot tub awaits.
Even with thunder and lightnin' all around.
I care not.
I was born in San Anotonio.
In Bexar counrty no fucks have ever been given.
'Specially for soup.
Started by geeme, 23 Oct 2011

 You even posted in here. :high:
texas blues said:
I love soup. The kind made with beer and cheese. Best served with what else..more beer and cheese!
Old TB liked soup. New TB needs a nap.
those bacon ribs are a staple kind of thing over in the UK  ..  I am pretty it is cured like bacon before smoking, then ppl buy it and do weird shite , like boil them with cabbage and serve with mash. 
I haz decided that "quinoa" is a made-up word. Not even a dialect nor slang, just plain-old made up. By The TB. He made it up even before it was "a thing". He's just that good. Well, he's that good, quinoa is not. Fake things aren't good. I mean, he hasn't posted any kind of quinoa soup in this here thread, so it must be fake. It's a talky-talky thing, not a posty-posty thing. Fake. Yes, sir. Fake.  ;)