food The Spicy Meatless Thread... (ya I went there)

Sweet potato- kale patties, seasoned with a homemade mix of garam masala, smoked hab powder, and chickpea flour to bind it.  I threw together a curried yogurt type condiment, crushed some spicy vacuum fried (or something of that sort) chickpeas, and some tomato and cucumber on naan bread.

the inside

Wasn't bad, next time thought I'd coat the patties in bread crumbs or even the crushed up chickpeas and fry that a bit for some more texture. 
Awesometown Rawk!
You're an inspiration.
I might even post my tofurkey taco's here that I'm doing tonight!
At least that way Jay, THP, can't give me as much wrath of doom criticism n' sheeit in this thread.
Have mercy.
What have I done?

Sliced on a bias with olive earl, julienned onion, sea salt, and cayenne powder.
Felt good to give a little love to old Black Betty.

I turn ever 'thang into tacos.
A little schmelty schredded jack & cheddar, flour tortillah's, schredded cabbage, and a little splooge of sour cream.
Funky & messy.
And dang it tasted guud!

Heavy on the garlic and hand the right flavor for colbasse. Obviously the texture wasn't the same but still...
Texture was really firm and heavy like a very densely packed hot dog.
Once you start eating it you realize you really like it more than you'd admit but in a bizarre way.
Kinda' like phone sex but then you realize the gal you're talking to is your mom's sister.
Vegan and kinky.
grantmichaels said:
potato pancakes are hard work, in my experience ... but oh so good.
I like love that you can dress them up different ways (a quality of most of my favorite foods) ... and I usually always eat one w/ a slice of American cheese, one w/ SC and chiv es, and then the majority of them w/ apple sauce ...
Nice job w/ the egg run, though, I need to try that next time - for sure ...
They are easy if you use leftover cold mashed potatoes.
Oh Lord TB...  Tofurkey??  And you thought you could hide from me???  
Rawk - Been vegetarian for decades.  I do dairy, buy only from my own critters.  We keep goat for milk, chicken for eggs.  I dont miss the meat, but I miss the social aspects.  Battered fried cauliflower and broccoli are great when other folk are eating wings.  For bbq, I deep fry them ahead of time and then throw them on the grill.  Have even convinced some of the meat eaters around here to give them a try.  Great substitute.

Now what I'd really like to figure out is a good recipe for burgers.  Thus far, all the ones I have found are seriously lacking in texture.
I'm not a burger fan, mostly because of the texture so I don't know how much help I can be for you there... Somewhere in this thread is a post about "meatballs" I tried making.  They're the closest thing to a burger texture I've made.  It's a lot of trial and error if you're trying to replicate something.  I've got the sausages down well flavorwise, but they don't have a ground meat texture so much as more of like a hot dog type texture.  I made lentil loaf once maybe try toying with lentils and mushrooms for a burger texture?  
If you have any photos or recipes for some things you enjoy making yourself please post away!
Rawk let me just say that you've been an inspiration to not only me but many many others here on THP.
I always look forward to your posts.
Healthy eating is and has never been about dieting.
Its a life style.
You get it.
texas blues said:
Rawk let me just say that you've been an inspiration to not only me but many many others here on THP.
I always look forward to your posts.
Healthy eating is and has never been about dieting.
Its a life style.
You get it.
Thanks man.  I never even think of it as healthy eating, its just what I choose to eat.  It isn't healthy all the time, but in general I guess it is better for the body. After a while I stopped really craving "unhealthy" food, unless I'm drunk or hungover, then all bets are off.  I tried to eat a piece of cake today that my friend brought over and it just tasted terrible to me.  Since I've been training again, doing qigong and taiji daily, and drinking lots of water I find rarely want excess sugary and fatty foods anymore.  The days that I do, and indulge, I end up feeling sick afterwards.
Sorry for the lack of posts, I've taken of pictures of the food, but forget to post it.  Tonight I'm making a bok choy, broccoli, butternut squash and cashew stir fry.  I'll try and snap a pic, but I'm only in the kitchen during the intermissions of the Blackhawks game.  
Rawk that looks much like some veggie chingaderra that I often just start tossing together with whatever I 
have in the fridge.
But unlike you, I like to be liking to eat it out of missylou's doggy bowl.
True story.