food The Spicy Meatless Thread... (ya I went there)

Don't have many pictures but I wanted to share this cabbage recipe. Randomly a year or so ago I had more red cabbage than I knew what to do with, I was having a bbq but didn't want to make a bunch of slaw so I decided to see if I could grill it.  I looked at the ingredients from this link and loosely followed them.  It turns out amazing if you sub the cayenne for some hotter powders, I also marinated my cabbage slices in the liquid instead of just brushing it on. 
here's it on the grill next to some sweet potatoes that I dusted with brown sugar and yellow 7 pot powders

I also grilled some rum soaked mango also with the yellow 7 powder and a pinch of salt.  My friends are starting to accept that almost nothing I make comes without some spice.

My first homemade go at Indian food tonight.  I've made cheater Indian food before with jarred sauces and what not, but this time I went all the way.  Even ground up my own garam masala. It was a cauliflower, eggplant, and chickpea curry over some brown rice.  I even made some naan bread, the flour is still all over the table in the picture... I do realize now that I've eaten that I forgot to add the yogurt to the curry, but it was still good anyway.
Not a fan of Indian food.
Dunno' why.
Probably because my dear sweet mother did it badly.
Rawk I'll eat any 'thang you post.
I like the lookx of that!
I got hungry at a weird time... Its too late to cook a meal, but I didn't really have dinner... I found a poblano in the fridge and I always have cheese and tortillas so tacos!  Just chopped up the poblano, a yellow tomato, and some roasted garlic I also forgot I had waiting to be consumed.  Seasoned, threw some asadero slices over it and put it one some tortillas. Hit the spot. 
Used the rest of the poblanos to make some tofu chili.  I'm not the biggest fan of tofu, but when you crumble it up and season it right its decent in chili.  I seasoned the tofu with smoked powders, garlic salt, onion powder, smoked paprika, a dash of cinnamon, coriander, cumin, and some black pepper. I let it sit a bit with the seasonings on there on all sides of the block before letting it hit a hot skillet.  once all the sides are a little crisped, and crumble it up, season it some more, and then cook it off in some beer. The tomato sauce I use is homemade as well, and this time I used some yellow tomatoes in it too.  I flavored the tomato sauce up a bit with some of Pex's To The Moon sauce (its a smoked sauce, my favorite that he does).  Once the tofu and tomato sauce are ready and put them in the crock pot and let them get to know each other for a while.  While that was going on I chopped up an orange bell. a red bell, and 2 poblanos.  Added in black beans and dark red kidney beans and let it cook for 5 hours. Seasoned accordingly of course. Love my smokey flavors, and JustAGuy did a double smoked powder for me this past year that I can't get enough of. Ate it with tortilla chips and cheese, and I tried this "white IPA" last night that was pretty good, I don't usually enjoy the IPAs so much. 
Whoa Nelly!
Rawk I gotta' admit to bein' a hard core chile snob.
And any chile with beans, turkey, or other such as tofu I find 'specially abhorrent.
And then...
You post this.
Not only did I find your description totally rawking and making me believe it was delicious...
But I was droolin' all over my 'sef lookin' at the pic.
In summation...
I am a total hypocrite.
True story.
I think I might have ordered that w/ my pepper jelly, and now I'll look forward to it a little more ...
Food looks great ...
Can't read what it is because there's so much solid text across 30" monitor I'd need to snort an Adderral and try to read it 5x times after, but ... looks great!
texas blues said:
Whoa Nelly!
Rawk I gotta' admit to bein' a hard core chile snob.
And any chile with beans, turkey, or other such as tofu I find 'specially abhorrent.
And then...
You post this.
Not only did I find your description totally rawking and making me believe it was delicious...
But I was droolin' all over my 'sef lookin' at the pic.
In summation...
I am a total hypocrite.
True story.
Just don't think of it as chili then, its a tomato and bean stew with seasoned tofu.  I actually can't wait to eat it again tonight... I'd eat it now but I gots my martial arts class later and too many beans for that is probably not a great idea....  :shocked:
Rawkstah said:
Just don't think of it as chili then, its a tomato and bean stew with seasoned tofu.  I actually can't wait to eat it again tonight... I'd eat it now but I gots my martial arts class later and too many beans for that is probably not a great idea....  :shocked:
Thats kind of you Rawk but in all honesty, you indeed made me believe it was chile
the way you described it.
Call it chile.
Your post is good kung fu.
And when I do it, its always a farting extravaganza. 
I'm drunk. I came home from the bar and made stuffed portobellas and pasta. they're stuffed with spinach and seasoned ricotta and topped with fresh grated parmesan.  I used to have 22 different types of pasta in my cabinet now i have 4. so it was yaki soba and marinara to serve it over. oh well. I've been drinking oberon since 6. 
grantmichaels said:
Oh yeah, coffee and adult beverage at the same time ... that's VERY familiar!
I infused a bourbon with clove, cherry, and orange peel that does wonders in coffee....
The black walnut in the coffee if from some botters i have to mix drinks, also nocino is always good in coffee.
i don't often like commercial, flavored coffee ... but i would have to try doing it myself before i chalked it off altogether ...
i have a strong aversion to most artificially flavored things, or things made from flavor extracts ... but then, when i've flavored things myself right before consuming, i've enjoyed them ...
i might have to try that ... second time you've peaked my interest on it ...