food The Spicy Meatless Thread... (ya I went there)

JayT said:
When I look at that it is screaming for oyster sauce to me.  I would definitely eat that.
I was initially planning that when I started cooking. I actually bought oyster sauce for the first time last week, but I tasted it and I wasn't really into it. 
Rawkstah said:
I was initially planning that when I started cooking. I actually bought oyster sauce for the first time last week, but I tasted it and I wasn't really into it. 
Work with it.
Its one of those 'thangs that has to come around after a while.
And it will.
Oyster sauce rocks.
I'm guessing oyster sauce isn't vegetarian. ;) It will probably be one of those things that only pops up sparingly in my kitchen because of that anyway. Honestly that stir fry the other night was good, but I'm kind of a sucker for just steamed broccoli over rice and chili garlic sauce.  The kind they have one the tables in Thai places... 
oyster sauce is really good for thai basil fried rice. Add in some sliced peppers and boy, i'll be going to town. I know this is the vegetarian thread but it appears to have been derailed to take a detour down thai cuisine lane. So, i'll post this great website: 
Good recipes for sure

By the way. RAWK, this is for you....and any other vegetarians who like thai cuisine. A good substitute for fish sauce is a special brand of soy sauce. It's called thin soy sauce, and i'm not sure of the brand because it's in a language i don't speak, but there's a big dragonfly on the label. You can find it at any asian store, but make sure you get the one with the cap that is clear plastic. 

grantmichaels said:
It cooks off and turns to heaven ... definitely NOT tasty straight up, so no worries there!!!
That's a lie....I LOVE steamed chinese broccoli topped with oyster sauce....yum!
BigB said:
Good recipes for sure

That's a lie....I LOVE steamed chinese broccoli topped with oyster sauce....yum!
every time I wipe the tip and lick my fingers, i'm pucker-face (<- don't quote me) ...
puck puck puck puck - puckrface ...
i think it's worth signing up for the newsletter in the bottom right at season w/ spice, actually ...
they send out a weekly newsletter w/ a recipe, and i've really enjoyed the one's i've made ...
i emailed myself the site you rec'd, to check out later ...
Thats too bad Rawk.
Quinoa is one of my favorite foods.
Cold as a salad or as the "meat" on a taco.
Just like you, quinoa RAWKS!
Was out and about today, for whatever reason I couldn't escape the smell of patchouli.  It was on the train, then in the elevator, then later at the market.  I got infected by the damn hippies and now I have to make something vegetarian!!  
Eggplant Parmesan, Smokenfire Style...

Standard two step breading:

Breaded up and ready to fry

Swim ye aubergine bastiges!  (note - spooning the oil helps seal and guarantee a better finished product)

Drain and reserve

Assemble the portions; 3 or 4 sticks, toucha cheese, some sauce...

Moar cheezes

It rubs the garlic on teh toast or it gets the hose

Plated and ready for guests

When I was in 9th grade I had a class with a chubby redhead freckled hippy gal that reeked of patchouli.
Hottest 'thang I've ever seen or smelt.
mrs. blues hates patchouli.
But I also married her because she's a strawberry blonde.
You know what I mean.
Back to the post.
I'd Chairman Mao the sheeit out of that eggplant parm!
And don't skimp on the tomato sauce or the garlic.
That just means I get to add more parm!
Where's Essi?
He'd love this sheeit!
No breadcrumbs? You rebel! I dig cuz sometimes I hate that breadcrumb taste (the too much crust versions that are from stale hero loaves that some places use)... anyway I really like the eggplant fingers. Nice!
I now i've posted this here before, but I made some more chile rellenos with mexican rice and backyard sauce. So here's some pics to remind you how good it is. This time I used brazilian starfish for some flavor as the pepper instead of a jalapeno. Wish i had my old scotch bonnet, or my moa seedlings weren't actually seedlings.  Here's a few pics of prep and finished meal.
Getting ready to be stuffed

sauced up and ready to go