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the tea thread/ tea of the day thread.

who enjoys quality teas?
my favorites are pu-erh oolongs and greens.
fav pu-erh : 2008 menghai 7532
oolong: ti kuan yin. or da hong pao
green: matcha

what are yours?

and heres some of my tea pr0n.

matcha equipment.

matcha prepared.

my yixing teapots. small one is for sheng and the big one for oolong.

some menghai 7542 sheng
I LOVE tea. We have twelve varieties at last count. Most are herbal `teas'. I am always looking for new ones. Sorry, no pics at the moment.

I think one of our board members, Shred Clay, is a tea fan.
ill have to get pics of my tea colection....

that and feel free to make a list of what you got... and perhaps discribe them?
I have enjoyed tea for a while now and have a number of Chinese teas including an assortment of Black, White, Green and Oolong

My favorite (at the moment) are the Silver Needle White, Pi Lo Chun (Green) and the Ki Kuan Yin Oolong

A trivia question - do you know why Oriental tea cups have no handle on them?
no idea

and heres my collection sofar.. i have about $140 of tea coming in soon so this will be obsolete soon.

ok whats on the tray.
glass teapot for flower tea
white gaiwan
250ml yixing (payed $2)
red rice bowl retired to matcha duty
120 pon date cha-sen
120ml yixing
cast iron cups.

back row:
bancha (plastic bag)
genmaicha (plastic bag)
cheap matcha
oolong tea
big red robe (da hong pao oolong)
silver needle white tea.

middle row:
yellow tea (hou shan)
silver needle white tea (higher grade)
expresso mugs.
tea strainer

next row:
dayi shu (cooked) pu-erh
2007 menghai 8582
08 menghai 7532
08 menghai 7542
120ml teacup

and up front in the paper envelopes,
loose pu-erh young
golden loose pu-erh
My flatmate is a huge tea fan so we got tea coming out of our ears. I reckon we got like 50 different types here!

Personally I am much more of a coffee fan but I do like the odd cup of tea (in fact, I just had an Earl Gray not 10 minutes ago).

If I had to pick a favourite, I'd probably go with a good Jasmine Green Tea (unfortunately good ones not always that easy to find though).
gasificada said:
My flatmate is a huge tea fan so we got tea coming out of our ears. I reckon we got like 50 different types here!

Personally I am much more of a coffee fan but I do like the odd cup of tea (in fact, I just had an Earl Gray not 10 minutes ago).

If I had to pick a favourite, I'd probably go with a good Jasmine Green Tea (unfortunately good ones not always that easy to find though).

you'll enjoy this then
Chammomile mint
Orange and spice
2 different plain mints
Vanilla caramel
Lemon Ginger
Novacastrian said:
$140 on tea? That would get me about 8400 teabags :shocked:

ok lets say you get a beng of 08 7542 for $18
that gives you 357g of tea an average session you use 6g of tea so 367/6= 59.5 sessions each session lasting 12-15 infusions so 59.5*15= 892.5 cups of tea. and each cup of tea is around 100-160ml so 892.5*120ml = 107100ml of tea or 107L of premium quality tea.

oh and the actual total for what i orderd is 154.62 thats with shipping.

from yunnansouceing

2008 Menghai Tea Factory 8582 805 Raw Pu-erh Tea cake 1 $8.01 $8.01 -- "69th Anniversary of Menghai Tea Factory" Pu-erh Cake 1 $16.11 $16.11 -- 2008 Menghai Tea Factory * 7532 * Raw Pu-erh Tea cake 1 $14.40 $14.40 -- Pu-erh tea cake or brick prying pick / needle * Stand! 1 $2.69 $2.69 -- Da Yi Brand Porcelain Gaiwan 125ml * Brews Pu-erh tea! 1 $7.11 $7.11

and from jas-etea

  • 1 x Early Spring 2009 Premium Silver Needles White Tea from Yunnan
    (Options: 50 Grams)
  • 1 x "Snow Dragon" Supreme Yunnan Pure Bud Green Tea
    (Options: 50 Grams)
  • 1 x Red Zisha Cups w/ White Glazed Interior - 4 cups - 40ml
  • 1 x Sampler set: Classic Menghai Raw Pu-erh Tea recipes
  • 1 x Imperial High Mountain Tie Guan Yin - 2009 Autumn - 25 grams
  • 1 x 2009 Rou Gui (Cinnamon) Wuyi Rock Tea-Zheng Yan, 2009 Spring - 25 grams
  • 1 x Classic Handcrafted Dong Ding Oolong ( Hong Sui Oolong)
  • 1 x Muzha Ti Guan Yin (Classic Roasted Iron Goddess)
  • 1 x Four Season Oolong Tea ( Evergreen Oolong Tea)
I love a cuppa but my tea is one single brand.

It is a blend of choicest Assam Teas packed under brand name of "VAGH-BAKRI".
Nothing fancy to prepare it except usual English method.

Just wonderful.

I drink tea from a teabag....is that ok?

If so, my favourite is Rooibos, a South African product and one of the few things we do well...
huntsman said:
I drink tea from a teabag....is that ok?

If so, my favourite is Rooibos, a South African product and one of the few things we do well...

Just make sure you do the World Cup well too;).... the whole world will be watching.
Love tea. My gf is a tea addict. Probably has 50-60 different kinds, and always buying more than she can drink.

I like herbal teas mostly, but also enjoy a good cup of chai, although its probably not "the real deal" chai.

My fav right now is Zingiber, from a well-known, mainstream outlet. It is a blend of Red Rooibos, coconut chips, ginger bits, cinnamon, apples, cardamom, black pepper and almonds. Absolutely amazing flavor with a spoon of fresh, local honey added.
SeeYouJimmy said:
Just make sure you do the World Cup well too;).... the whole world will be watching.

Heh heh!
Cheers, Jimmy -

The whole country is very positive about the event, and security will be extremely tight, so I expect a reasonably organised World Cup.

Sadly we don't have a hope in hell and I'm shouting for Italy anyhow...Forza Azzurri!!

Is the Zingiber from Teavana? We have a few near us so I can check out that as well as their other selections. Thanks.
i personally am not a roobios fan, for some reason it dosent appeal to me. to flowery is my guess.
While you might not like it, Rooibos is a very healthy tea to drink. It has no caffeine, promotes good digestion, is high in antioxidants, and it possesses natural anti-inflammatory properties. Some say it is good for sore muscles, and likewise good for you when you have inflammed sinuses.

Maybe if you tried some kind of Rooibos blend, like Zingiber, for instance.
i think ill stick to matcha for my ultimate health drink. i mean you cant get more good out of a tea then you get out of matcha. you are literally drinking the leaves. that and it tastes great. strong sweet and the healthiest out of all the teas.