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the weather...

well, global warming is a lie!!! if here was that I wouldn't have had a blizzard lasting almost over 30 hours! and winters have been getting worse up here, oh well, what the worse that can happen? lol
well, global warming is a lie!!! if here was that I wouldn't have had a blizzard lasting almost over 30 hours! and winters have been getting worse up here, oh well, what the worse that can happen? lol

Oh I dunno, maybe an Ice Age startin' on top of your house....

We have been instructed to refer to it as "climate change" and not global warming. I will have to say I've noticed more extremes in weather. Even during my lifetime, I've noticed colder winters and much hotter summers. A guy just can't win...
Well, on the bright side, people who live in cold climates live longer than people who live in warm climates. I've worked outdoors year round for 14 years and I never get sick. How many germs do you think are floating around in below zero temps? It's like a fresh start every single year. The flip side of that coin is I have arthritis in my joints and I'm only 32 years old. Can't win I guess.
I'm not sure about global warming either...climate change though, dunno... Crazy weather, well I'm a believer in that! I'd love to see some snow and experience a blizzard, but just for one day, longer than that would be a pain in the ass! So I can sympathsise with North Americans and further up there in Canada at this point in time, also Europeans. It's temporary, keep you chins up!
There is definitely global warming and climate change going on although people are always mislead by the term "warming". Global warming shows as an annual average and not as individual weather events. I've seen my local climate changing and gradually warming for over 20 years now and its even worse further North. You Alaskans must see lots of nasty global warming evidence
On a global scale, there have been high occurrences of tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, large hurricanes and other severe weather events. On a local scale (well, Pennsylvania anyway), I've noticed hotter summer temperatures, the rapid spread of deer ticks to northern climates, fast spread of invasive plant species and significantly less snowfall on average. Some experts claim that atmospheric carbon (and nitrogen) sequestration from plants will help curb this but there is already proof that we are getting close to a saturation point at which there will be no difference. I read an article the other day claiming that all the attention that increased tree planting has received recently really is not making as much of a difference as people think.

I'm getting depressed so I'm going to go read something cool about peppers now... :mope:
Guess I'd better make sure my soaker hoses are up to par: :(
huh, you guys didn't get hit that hard haha, man you should've seen the snow drifts after it stopped blizzarding up here, I'm 5'11" and they was all the way up to my waist, some where at my chest haha, but of course I'm in alaksa and on a island so I think it's always worse here hahaha
Ha - your island is probably the size of my state - on either side of the sidewalk in a 2-3ft dip - snow banks are huge.
We got a foot here last night. Nothing compared to last year where we got almost six feet in a week.
Depending how the storms break we get your (JayT)weather but in a couple of days and sometimes milder. We havent had this much snow since I was a kid. I dont mind it. The schools are going to start using February vacation as make up days. Funny watching the dogs all but disappear -- more snow expected tonight, tomorrow, Sat and Sun.
How about -30 F for weekend fun? :lol:

Than you see these seagulls resting on -30 F on Lake Champlain looking pretty comfortable on ice. :shocked:


Well, what can I say, it's Vermont. :violin:

