• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TheGreenChileMonster's 2016 Grow

Well, I finally decided to start a Glog.  I have quite a few plants that ore OW from last year, and some new ones that I started this January.  Here is the list, lots of pics to follow, I'm still in the process of planting out.  Most everything is going into root pouches, and pots, but I do have 9 total rocoto plants in the ground as well.
Aji Amarillo
Aji Arnaucho
Aji Dulce
Aji Limo
Aji Pineapple
Aji Pacay
Aji Omnicolor
Aji Lemon Drop
Aji Fantasy Yellow
Peruvian Red Rocoto
Giant Peruvian Red Rocoto (Miraflores Market)
Rocoto Cusco
Mini Rocoto
Brown Rocoto
Orange Rocoto
Rocoto Peron
Rocoto Montufar
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano
Aji Oro (Rocoto)
Aji Largo (Rocoto)
Rocoto Arequipeno
Guatemalan Red Rocoto
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto
Ecuadorian Red Rocoto
Ecuadorian Sweet Rocoto
Peru Bitdumi
Chocolate Bhutlah
Chocolate Brainstrain
Pipi De Mono
Aribibi Gusano
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Carolina Reaper
Peach Scorpion
Peach Ghost Scorpion
White Fatalli
Bolsa De Dulce
Tepin x Lemon Drop
PDN x Bhut (Ripens Cream)
Coyote Zan White
Red Primo
Devv said:
 I grew Orange Manzano's that I started in the spring of 2014. It did well until December 2015 and then I lost it. Right now I have a Red Manzano doing "OK", hoping that it does well as it gets cooler.
I haven't had much luck this year with my red manzano. I mean, I'm getting a few pods from it, but nothing like I get from most of the rest of my Pubescens. I don't plan to OW the plant, but I'll save the seeds, just in case I move somewhere else in the country, to see if it likes a different climate.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
I haven't had much luck this year with my red manzano. I mean, I'm getting a few pods from it, but nothing like I get from most of the rest of my Pubescens. I don't plan to OW the plant, but I'll save the seeds, just in case I move somewhere else in the country, to see if it likes a different climate.
Manzano maturing well between 2 - 5 years his grow life.  OW is the best way for big harvest for the pubes.
lobo said:
Manzano maturing well between 2 - 5 years his grow life.  OW is the best way for big harvest for the pubes.
Don't get me wrong, I get big harvests from my Pubes. I just picked a grocery bag 3/4 full of pubes this evening, with a lot more ready in a few days. I'm just saying that this one specific Pubescens plant, the red manzano cultivar, doesn't like Northern Virginia. I try out new Pubes every year to figure out what works well in my garden. I'm not saying the red manzano is an inferior Pubescens cultivar in any way. It just isn't prolific in the outdoor climate that I can provide it here. I have several Pubescens plants that I OW each year, and they do quite well every time I put them back outside for the summer.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Don't get me wrong, I get big harvests from my Pubes. I just picked a grocery bag 3/4 full of pubes this evening, with a lot more ready in a few days. I'm just saying that this one specific Pubescens plant, the red manzano cultivar, doesn't like Northern Virginia. I try out new Pubes every year to figure out what works well in my garden. I'm not saying the red manzano is an inferior Pubescens cultivar in any way. It just isn't prolific in the outdoor climate that I can provide it here. I have several Pubescens plants that I OW each year, and they do quite well every time I put them back outside for the summer.
Okay Okay, It is clear for me now ;-)
Anyway Red Manzano is very specific. I have same feel as you. Last Year I have 4 Red Manzano. Nice big plants but only with few big red pods. I had aslo Rocoto Equadorian red and orange and Rocoto peruvian red and all this varieties was very prolific. Definitely big different between Manzano and others Pubes. I had plan for OW all Pubes but freeze strike last year unexpectedly and kill me all Pubes. So this year I have only Rocoto Equadorian red and maturing well. But for next season I want to try Red Manzano again - I must Win againts him :-D
lobo said:
Okay Okay, It is clear for me now ;-)
Anyway Red Manzano is very specific. I have same feel as you. Last Year I have 4 Red Manzano. Nice big plants but only with few big red pods. I had aslo Rocoto Equadorian red and orange and Rocoto peruvian red and all this varieties was very prolific. Definitely big different between Manzano and others Pubes. I had plan for OW all Pubes but freeze strike last year unexpectedly and kill me all Pubes. So this year I have only Rocoto Equadorian red and maturing well. But for next season I want to try Red Manzano again - I must Win againts him :-D
My ecuadorian red rocoto are doing pretty well here also, I have a good 25-30 pods on each plant right now. So far my Pubescens cut list for this year is red manzano and rocoto montufar. I will also be cutting back one of my rocoto rojo arequipeño plants that I OW each year,to make room to OW different plants. I won't kill that plant though, and will still keep my most prolific one, because it is a damn fine pepper. I'll probably give it to one of my employees grandpa. He's from Peru, and grows rocoto here in NOVA at his house. I'm sure he'll give it some TLC.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
My ecuadorian red rocoto are doing pretty well here also, I have a good 25-30 pods on each plant right now. So far my Pubescens cut list for this year is red manzano and rocoto montufar. I will also be cutting back one of my rocoto rojo arequipeño plants that I OW each year,to make room to OW different plants. I won't kill that plant though, and will still keep my most prolific one, because it is a damn fine pepper. I'll probably give it to one of my employees grandpa. He's from Peru, and grows rocoto here in NOVA at his house. I'm sure he'll give it some TLC.
My Montufar failed too.
Picked some more pubes today. I on accidentally clipped a branch instead of a pod on one of my plants, whoops! It's OK though, I've been wanting to try this green rocoto salsa recipe from Gaston Acurio anyway. I noticed that my Peru Bitdumi plants are putting off both red and yellow pods. I was under the impression they were supposed to be red only.

You know I lived in Va. for almost 2 years in the late 80's. I worked in Alexandria and lived in Manassas.Bull Run was in the back yards of the homes across the street. So much history there.  I was raised 8 hours North on LI, NY, and it was way colder there (in Va.), come winter time. Something about the Live Oaks here in Texas drew us back here.
Devv said:
You know I lived in Va. for almost 2 years in the late 80's. I worked in Alexandria and lived in Manassas.Bull Run was in the back yards of the homes across the street. So much history there.  I was raised 8 hours North on LI, NY, and it was way colder there (in Va.), come winter time. Something about the Live Oaks here in Texas drew us back here.
Nice man! The only reason I live in NOVA is due to the job market/pay out here. I go to Manassas from time to time to hit up La Jarochita, which is the only authentic Mexican taqueria in the area. Some of my best memories have been in Texas though, since aside from being neighbors to NM, I used to go help my grandpa with ranch duties at his place in Mid Texas.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Bummer. Did it get big and healthy with a bunch of flowers, and no pods like mine?
Yes it was big and healthy until a week ago when the growing tips started to die.
Actually set 1-2 pods but he lost them after a few weeks.
Now I dumped this plant and a few others to make some space.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
 I noticed that my Peru Bitdumi plants are putting off both red and yellow pods. I was under the impression they were supposed to be red only.

Did those Peru Bitdumi seeds come from me ?
If they did, there is a small chance they are crossed. I was growing what was supposed to be a red rocoto from CCN but it put out yellow rocoto instead, also I grew  Ecuadorian sweet rocoto near the Peru Bitdumi last year as well but those are red too.
how do the yellow Peru Bitdumi taste compared to the red ?
would you mind saving some seeds to trade, i'd like to grow more yellows next year :)
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
Did those Peru Bitdumi seeds come from me ?
If they did, there is a small chance they are crossed. I was growing what was supposed to be a red rocoto from CCN but it put out yellow rocoto instead, also I grew  Ecuadorian sweet rocoto near the Peru Bitdumi last year as well but those are red too.
how do the yellow Peru Bitdumi taste compared to the red ?
would you mind saving some seeds to trade, i'd like to grow more yellows next year :)
I got the seeds from Pepperlover. I started growing the Bitdumi plants last year to prep for this year, so these are the first pods I've gotten. I haven't tried any Bitdumi pods yet, since they just started to ripen. I'll probably do a side by side tasting between the yellow and red version on Sunday. The plants look identical, and the pod size and shape look identical as well. The only difference is the color. I'll definitely save some of those yellow seeds for you. They might be a 50/50 chance of it being yellow, since I have the plants in the ground right next to each other. The plants have completely overlapping branches. I can send you some seeds for other yellow varieties as well. Did you have any luck with your pineapple rocoto?
Thegreenchilemonster said:
I got the seeds from Pepperlover. I started growing the Bitdumi plants last year to prep for this year, so these are the first pods I've gotten. I haven't tried any Bitdumi pods yet, since they just started to ripen. I'll probably do a side by side tasting between the yellow and red version on Sunday. The plants look identical, and the pod size and shape look identical as well. The only difference is the color. I'll definitely save some of those yellow seeds for you. They might be a 50/50 chance of it being yellow, since I have the plants in the ground right next to each other. The plants have completely overlapping branches. I can send you some seeds for other yellow varieties as well. Did you have any luck with your pineapple rocoto?
That's where i originally got Peru Bitdumi seeds as well.  They have grown only red for me.
i want to grow many more pubescens next year, but especially more yellows. 
Yes, my 1 pineapple rocoto plant is doing well, i should get some pictures.  It's been a while since i've updated my Glog, i need to get some recent pictures anyway :)
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
That's where i originally got Peru Bitdumi seeds as well.  They have grown only red for me.
i want to grow many more pubescens next year, but especially more yellows. 
Yes, my 1 pineapple rocoto plant is doing well, i should get some pictures.  It's been a while since i've updated my Glog, i need to get some recent pictures anyway :)
Cool, I'd definitely be down to trade for some of those pineapple rocoto seeds. I'm looking forward to seeing your glog update.
I went out and snapped a couple pics of the Pineapple Rocoto real quick in between calls :shh:
 Terrible sun glare, but at least you can see a ripe pod :)

not much better, but a little better pic 
will be more rocoto pics in my Glog when i have more time, and can do a glog update :)
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
I went out and snapped a couple pics of the Pineapple Rocoto real quick in between calls :shh:
 Terrible sun glare, but at least you can see a ripe pod :)

not much better, but a little better pic 
will be more rocoto pics in my Glog when i have more time, and can do a glog update :)
That's a healthy looking plant there, look at all those pods! How is the heat/flavor of those?
i still have yet to try one
i'm excited to try my first very soon 
the first couple ripe pods got knocked off the plant by hail, fortunately the plant is dense enough with pods that there were plenty that didn't get damaged as well 
i will try one, then the next bunch that come of that plant go to tctenten. He requested them in a trade :)
I plan on overwintering all of my Pubescence which is going to make things interesting this year, as i have even more i would like to keep than last year  :P
the plus side is i will be able to continue to ripen some late pods, and even have some fresh peppers through winter
the downside is, the two HPS fixtures will be going all winter  :rolleyes:
the things i do to grow peppers this far north  :lol:
Maybe next year i will have much bigger Rocoto harvests. I plan on starting my seeds even early this time, maybe December, and I will have more two year, and even a couple 3rd year rocoto plants
I look forward to your reviews of both color Peru Bitdumi
I will include a Pineapple rocoto review in my next glog update 
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
i still have yet to try one
i'm excited to try my first very soon 
the first couple ripe pods got knocked off the plant by hail, fortunately the plant is dense enough with pods that there were plenty that didn't get damaged as well 
i will try one, then the next bunch that come of that plant go to tctenten. He requested them in a trade :)
I plan on overwintering all of my Pubescence which is going to make things interesting this year, as i have even more i would like to keep than last year  :P
the plus side is i will be able to continue to ripen some late pods, and even have some fresh peppers through winter
the downside is, the two HPS fixtures will be going all winter  :rolleyes:
the things i do to grow peppers this far north  :lol:
Maybe next year i will have much bigger Rocoto harvests. I plan on starting my seeds even early this time, maybe December, and I will have more two year, and even a couple 3rd year rocoto plants
I look forward to your reviews of both color Peru Bitdumi
I will include a Pineapple rocoto review in my next glog update 
Cool! I'll definitely be posting up a review of the yellow vs. red on Sunday.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Nice man! The only reason I live in NOVA is due to the job market/pay out here. I go to Manassas from time to time to hit up La Jarochita, which is the only authentic Mexican taqueria in the area. Some of my best memories have been in Texas though, since aside from being neighbors to NM, I used to go help my grandpa with ranch duties at his place in Mid Texas.
 That's exactly what brought me there in the first place, at the time I was in the Houston area, and the oil boom crashed, and we were left with very little work. I was an auto tech back then and was lucky enough to find decent employment in San Antonio after leaving Va. with a full pocket. The rest is history. God willing you'll be able to someday make it back, if you so desire ;)
At this point in my life dynamite couldn't get me to leave here..LOL