• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TheGreenChileMonster's 2016 Grow

Well, I finally decided to start a Glog.  I have quite a few plants that ore OW from last year, and some new ones that I started this January.  Here is the list, lots of pics to follow, I'm still in the process of planting out.  Most everything is going into root pouches, and pots, but I do have 9 total rocoto plants in the ground as well.
Aji Amarillo
Aji Arnaucho
Aji Dulce
Aji Limo
Aji Pineapple
Aji Pacay
Aji Omnicolor
Aji Lemon Drop
Aji Fantasy Yellow
Peruvian Red Rocoto
Giant Peruvian Red Rocoto (Miraflores Market)
Rocoto Cusco
Mini Rocoto
Brown Rocoto
Orange Rocoto
Rocoto Peron
Rocoto Montufar
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano
Aji Oro (Rocoto)
Aji Largo (Rocoto)
Rocoto Arequipeno
Guatemalan Red Rocoto
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto
Ecuadorian Red Rocoto
Ecuadorian Sweet Rocoto
Peru Bitdumi
Chocolate Bhutlah
Chocolate Brainstrain
Pipi De Mono
Aribibi Gusano
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Carolina Reaper
Peach Scorpion
Peach Ghost Scorpion
White Fatalli
Bolsa De Dulce
Tepin x Lemon Drop
PDN x Bhut (Ripens Cream)
Coyote Zan White
Red Primo
OCD Chilehead said:
Great pics, great harvest.
az1000 said:
Great pods!
How is Ecuadorian Sweet ? You will keep them for the next year?
The pods were good, but the yield was low. I probably won't grow them again next year, and when I do grow them again, I will use root pouches. The Ecuadorian Sweet Rocoto is supposed to be heat tolerant, which is why I put the plants in the bed that gets direct afternoon sunlight, and morning shade. I guess the combination of the plants not actually being heat tolerant, and the plants getting attacked by mites in May, reduced the yield significantly.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Yes, the Ecuadorian Sweet Rocoto does have a decent amount of heat. It's not as hot as most of the other rocoto I've grown, but I definitely wouldn't say that it is completely mild.

Glad to hear your getting more pods! Are you set up to grow year round?
I can't go year round ,but I have time to get another round of ripe pods.
Awesome grow!  Epic harvests and great pod pictures, loving the balance you have in your growlist. 
Can I ask what the large white (or possibly pale peach) Moruga shaped pods are?  Cheers.
dennish said:
Awesome grow!  Epic harvests and great pod pictures, loving the balance you have in your growlist. 
Can I ask what the large white (or possibly pale peach) Moruga shaped pods are?  Cheers.
Thanks! Those are Judy's peach scorpion. I got the seeds for free from Pepperlover last year. I grew the plant last year, and liked it so much I OW'd it for this year. Pepperlover hasn't ever had the peach scorpion seeds for sale that I've seen, so I call it Judy's Peach Scorpion to differentiate it from any other peach scorpions cultivars out there. I will definitely be over wintering the same plant again.
Trident chilli said:
As everyone else has stated an incredible harvest ... agree with Dennis Judy's Peach Scorpion's look great
Devv said:
Great season Dale!
I have a few pubes popping, I planted 3 seeds per pot, 2 pots of each variety, 10 total, 5 pots have babies! My best germ times ever for pubes. Thanks again for the seeds!
Thanks! Glad to hear your getting good germ times with those seeds!
The harvests are starting to slow down a bit, but I am still getting some poddage. I've been clipping my plants down to the trunks on my plants if the have only a few pods left. Leaving a bit of foliage only on plants I plan to OW.

There are still quite a few rocoto pods that are on the verge of being ripe. These are the ones that were completely ripe today.

I deseeded some giant aji pacay pods today. They are sweeter and not as spicy as the aji amarillo. The pods are way bigger though, and the plants get huge!

I bottled up the aji amarillo tripel. It came out fantastic. The grain, hops, yeast, and peppers are a great combo. The pepper aroma and flavor shines through, with a bit of a bite, but is not too overwhelming. I can't wait to drink it bottle conditioned in a couple of months!

Very impressive harvests, Dale.  Makes my little grow
look kind of small!  How many plants are you growing this year?
I like your great variety of Peruvian stuff.  
PaulG said:
Very impressive harvests, Dale.  Makes my little grow
look kind of small!  How many plants are you growing this year?
I like your great variety of Peruvian stuff.  
Thanks man! 63 total pepper plants this year. Mainly Pubescens, but also a healthy amount of Baccatum and Chinense. A single annuum, and a couple Frutescens in the mix too. I have some new Peruvian cultivars that I will be growing next year, and a couple of new to me Bolivian Rocoto cultivars as well.

I also got about 30 varieties of seeds I've never grown before from THP member Someguy in a trade. I will most definitely be growing many of those!

Next year I will mainly grow rocoto again, of course culling out the varieties that under performed this year.
It's sure been a great year for you, I hope you have similar success in 2017. Cheers!
p.s. Have you tasted any of your kimchi yet?