• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TheGreenChileMonster's 2016 Grow

Well, I finally decided to start a Glog.  I have quite a few plants that ore OW from last year, and some new ones that I started this January.  Here is the list, lots of pics to follow, I'm still in the process of planting out.  Most everything is going into root pouches, and pots, but I do have 9 total rocoto plants in the ground as well.
Aji Amarillo
Aji Arnaucho
Aji Dulce
Aji Limo
Aji Pineapple
Aji Pacay
Aji Omnicolor
Aji Lemon Drop
Aji Fantasy Yellow
Peruvian Red Rocoto
Giant Peruvian Red Rocoto (Miraflores Market)
Rocoto Cusco
Mini Rocoto
Brown Rocoto
Orange Rocoto
Rocoto Peron
Rocoto Montufar
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano
Aji Oro (Rocoto)
Aji Largo (Rocoto)
Rocoto Arequipeno
Guatemalan Red Rocoto
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto
Ecuadorian Red Rocoto
Ecuadorian Sweet Rocoto
Peru Bitdumi
Chocolate Bhutlah
Chocolate Brainstrain
Pipi De Mono
Aribibi Gusano
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Carolina Reaper
Peach Scorpion
Peach Ghost Scorpion
White Fatalli
Bolsa De Dulce
Tepin x Lemon Drop
PDN x Bhut (Ripens Cream)
Coyote Zan White
Red Primo
tctenten said:
Really nice. I wish I could get the production you are getting from your Rocotto. I am doing a little better this year, but nothing like what you are getting.
Thanks! My only rocoto plant that hasn't set any pods this year is the rocoto montufar. I've tried everything to make it happy. I guess it just hates NOVA weather. I also have got to say that my bed of 5 in the ground Ecuadorian sweet rocoto plants are putting out a low level of pods for what I was expecting. Most of the rest of my rocoto plants are really thriving though. September through mid October/frost is going to be a flood of Pubescens.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Here are most of the results of the picking my wife and I did yesterday evening. There are still a lot more to pick, but it was too dark, so we had to stop.

Rocoto. There are a lot more rocoto that will be fully ripe in the next few days. Gotta grab them at the right time, otherwise they get over ripe, and a bit mushy.

Aji amarillo, along with a snifter of some aji amarillo IPA I brewed earlier in the Summer. The beer came out really well, the pepper flavor and aroma is spot on.

Whoopa !! that is amazing harvest. Congrat man !! :onfire:
If you can, save the seeds from the soft, flabby Pubiscens pods. The Pubes grow and ripen so slowly that I think people pick the pods a little too soon for viable seed.
I've gotten lots of dropped flowers from my Lima Market Red Rocoto too... The plant looks healthy, but I have it planted a few feet from the outdoor heat exchanger that's part of our mini-split air conditioner, and I think the growing conditions there are a little too hot for it. I'll probably OW the plant and try again next year in a different location.
stickman said:
If you can, save the seeds from the soft, flabby Pubiscens pods. The Pubes grow and ripen so slowly that I think people pick the pods a little too soon for viable seed.
I've gotten lots of dropped flowers from my Lima Market Red Rocoto too... The plant looks healthy, but I have it planted a few feet from the outdoor heat exchanger that's part of our mini-split air conditioner, and I think the growing conditions there are a little too hot for it. I'll probably OW the plant and try again next year in a different location.
Yeah, I usually wait until they are soft but not fully mushy when picking rocoto to save seeds. I still like to enjoy eating the pods, once done deseeding. I haven't had any issues germinating seeds from Pubescens pods I've grown.

I do think that might be a factor as to why some folk have a hard time germinating Pubescens though. For instance, the Aji Largo seeds I got from Pepperlover had only one seed germinate out of at least 30. The thing is that it is very hard to determine when that rocoto is ready to pick. It changes from green, to very dark green, to almost brown, then to a light red, then finally do a very dark red. The seeds are only fully black, and developed in the dark red stage. It seems to me that the seeds I got just weren't fully developed. At least I got that one to germinate, and now I have a big plant loaded with pods, and a ton of viable seeds.
Lovepeppers said:
You have some beautiful plants, you have to be proud :)
2 years ago i had russet mites (the worst)
Im glad you were able to get past them.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks! I hate those mites. I'm glad to have them out of my garden.
Malarky said:
your yellow rocoto (miraflores market) was really good.
chin drippin juicy
Glad you like those! They are really delicious. Did you try out the aji oro?
dragonsfire said:
Awesome Haul !
Devv said:
What a spectacular grow and harvest!
My hat's off to you! I sure wish I could grow the pubes down here. But watching you do so well will have to suffice ;)
Thanks! There has to be a rocoto cultivar that could thrive where you are. Maybe Aji Oro, Guatemalan Red Rocoto, or Rocoto Mini would do well for you. Have you given growing Pubescens a shot?
Malarky said:
Aji Oro tasted very good as well.
I had your Aji Limo Rojo yesterday at work and it was fantastic! I will definitely make room for that next year.
Tonight's our fantasyfooball draft...we will try the peachbhut, peach scorp, and maybe JPGS.
I'm glad you like the Aji Limo Rojo! It is very prolific as well. I saw a couple of Aji Limo products the other day at the international market while I was shopping.

I was reading through that Peruvian aji book the other other day,and I found it interesting that the country that gets the majority of both aji amarillo and rocoto exports from Peru is the United States, but the majority of the Aji Limo exports from Peru go to the UK.

Have fun doing the super hot tastings with your friends!
Comptine said:
That as one impressive harvest! I have to ask, how long did it take for your rocoto mini to mature? I feel like mine have been on forever, and are still green. 
Thanks! The rocoto mini took like a month once fully grown for the pods to ripen. Once the pods start ripening, they all start ripening quickly, so I'm able to pull ripe pods off of it two or three times a week.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Thanks! The rocoto mini took like a month once fully grown for the pods to ripen. Once the pods start ripening, they all start ripening quickly, so I'm able to pull ripe pods off of it two or three times a week.
Cheers. I think mine might have been on for a little bit over a month now, so any day? The excitement is killing me, I really want to taste these. 
Comptine said:
Cheers. I think mine might have been on for a little bit over a month now, so any day? The excitement is killing me, I really want to taste these. 
They are good, and get really juicy if left on the vine a few extra days once fully ripened.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Thanks! There has to be a rocoto cultivar that could thrive where you are. Maybe Aji Oro, Guatemalan Red Rocoto, or Rocoto Mini would do well for you. Have you given growing Pubescens a shot?
 I grew Orange Manzano's that I started in the spring of 2014. It did well until December 2015 and then I lost it. Right now I have a Red Manzano doing "OK", hoping that it does well as it gets cooler.