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ThePepperGrowingMan's 2010 Grow Log

ThePepperGrowingMan's 2010 Grow Log

Put the seeds in the dirt today. Trying to get a total of about 30 plants across 9 types. Ordered all my seeds from pepperjoe.com this year. Assuming some will die.

Here's the list:
Hot Banana
Long Red Slim
Charleston Hot
Turkish Cayenne
Hot Caribbean
Atomic Starfish
Tabago Seasoning
Giant Jolokia
Scotch Bonnet

Here's where they will live (hopefully) over the next few months:

The larger plants on the right are my overwintered Jolokias. Grow On!
I bet that took a while! :dance:

An hour well spent my friend :cool:

Now it's time to start cutting up for the dehydrator. I figure there are at least 4 - 5 full loads there and the current load of orange habs i have drying should be done in about an hour. Think I'll make some salsa or hot sauce today too...it's an all around peppery sunday for me.
Nice, plenty of pods to squirrel away for the winter. :)


Getting a head start - practicing cloning. I used this bucket once (early this year) and made a lot of mistakes and all the clones died. Trying again, minus the mistakes :cool:

Anyone have any tips for cloning peppers? 3 giant jolokias and a red Caribbean are the first victims, i mean clones :lol:


those clones are looking good tgpm!

i'm so jealous that you've got so many peppers now. all i got are tiny plants. lol. darn weather's been messing with my growing. oh well. thankfully i can grow year round, hopefully i will.
I wish I could grow outdoors year round...get 5 - 6 months TOPS here, that's it :( I try and pack a lot of growing in that short window :)

The sprayer in my cloning bucket is failing so I need to get a new one tomorrow. They are starting to yellow a bit too. Not sure if that's normal for clones or not...time will tell. If these die I still have another few weeks to try again before my outdoor plants start dying.
sorry to hear that tgpm.

i had a branch fall off from one of my peppers and stuck it in the ground as an experiment. the leaves that were there fell off after a couple days. and then from my watering of aerated compost tea. it now has a leaf growing out of it. =D

it was just this little 2 inch thing.

good luck with the cloning!
good luck with the cloning!

Thank you, think I will need it. Pump went out thia morning but thankfully there's a brew and grow right down the street so it was a quick replacement. No roots yet but they are all still alive, that's got to count for something.

Love those bhuts!!! Nice harvest!

Thanks. Seeds on the way in a few days after I pick the next round :)

Very nice pile of pods you have there...

Thanks, figure I'm going to get 5 - 7 more like it before this season is out.

Here's a blend I'm growing fond of. Ground these earlier this afternoon:

Thank you, think I will need it. Pump went out thia morning but thankfully there's a brew and grow right down the street so it was a quick replacement. No roots yet but they are all still alive, that's got to count for something.

well if they're still alive, then that just means it's only a matter of time! =D
and they seems to grow a lot better than my other plants. the giant jolokias are the three plants in front of my cup, good foot taller than they other peppers growing in the same garden. The biggest one is almost 5 feet tall and just over 5 feet wide :woohoo:

gotta love those giants. how is the heat on those things? same as the original?
I've done 3 or 4 taste tests vs my normal jolokias this year and I say the heat is about 80 - 85% of the normal ones. Still really hot :hell:

The pods and plants are much larger and seem to produce, at least this year, a lot better than my normal jolokias. I'm trying to clone a few branches off the main plant to see if I can keep this thing going over the winter.
Sweet little garden, all those plants look super healthy. I think the relatively narrow spacing encourages height. Giant Bhuts look fantastic and 80% heat level is a good thing IMO.