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third turtle ranch: growth.......

Sven is our garden guard and only he knows what we have..............this is the first of our pics from our garden glog


BTW....the bandaid on Svens finger was put on him 40 years ago by my wife......
something to say about stuck on bandaid....bandaid stuck on you
Scovie named him
since my wife WILL not throw any plants away,and gets made at me when i do"which i dont care and throw stuff and burn dying plants all the time". she made her a doctor office. a bunch of dead dying crap plants that somehow she brings back,lol. it might take 3 months but they bounce back. so here is a pic of our new rehab spot right in the back yard.

yesterdays harvest.just a bunch of mixed yadda yadda. we have got over 30 inches of rain this month my back pasture is over half under water.its raining now and i imagine water will be in the green house since it was next to it yesterday. when tropical storm debbie came threw 2 months ago i had a foot and half of water in it. on my mat under the shade house there is standing water under all my jalos. to much rain baby,to much rain!

kk,had a bad year lots of rain! but this is what's going on as today

record setting rain for florida,i actually had water in my greenhouse over a foot 2 times. neighbors that have lived here 30 years say they never seen anything like this. so i hope this never happens again,3rd of my back pasture still under water. everything you see i mowed before tropical storm debbie!

water was half way up into shade house i watched hundreds of plants float away,lol. this is what it looks like today almost dry and lots of clean up

picture of my back yard! more to come,of inside the green house.
Dude, that's crazy. If you hadn't said it was residual flooding from the rains, I would swear you had your own private lake! Now you just need to make a dam and stock it with Largemouth Bass!
Dude, that's crazy. If you hadn't said it was residual flooding from the rains, I would swear you had your own private lake! Now you just need to make a dam and stock it with Largemouth Bass!
everybody keeps saying how pretty the water is ,problem is i need that pasture for my cattle.

scorpion seedlings

scorpion seeds started a week ago,whatever sprouts out of these will be going in the grown
Those sprouts look mighty fine Jason.

Could not agree more about the rain.

Lived here my whole life and nothing like this :crazy:
That is good, been seeing even a seed retailer that is trying to set up buying agreements with hobby growers. Got to have some quality assurance when you are growing a large quantity of plants. Hate to try and grow 1000 scorpions and end up with habaneros