• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

third turtle ranch: growth.......

Sven is our garden guard and only he knows what we have..............this is the first of our pics from our garden glog


BTW....the bandaid on Svens finger was put on him 40 years ago by my wife......
something to say about stuck on bandaid....bandaid stuck on you
Scovie named him
here is two pics of cut back ,pulled out of the mud trinadad scorpions. they were all almost sticks 3 weeks ago,i think they going to rebound?

Holy shit batman that is a boat load of scorps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit batman that is a boat load of scorps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
theres two more trays on the ground,i have yet to count how many not sure i will? if they sprout they getting thrown into the ground.
freeze warning for over night coming. heaters will be on in the greenhouse. gotta save my seedlings for the "ground project" the plants im rehabing are rebounding awesome ill try to get a couple pics up this evening.

p.s. are these stingers long enough?

Dang........frost warnings in Dade. Keep those seedlings under some type of protection.
I might head to Ft Myers after the holidays..folks down there think 70 deg is cold. I'll take it over the 0 deg that will be happening up here. No Rum Runners for me...just the Rum...

Dang........frost warnings in Dade. Keep those seedlings under some type of protection.
I might head to Ft Myers after the holidays..folks down there think 70 deg is cold. I'll take it over the 0 deg that will be happening up here. No Rum Runners for me...just the Rum...

im in dade city not dade county if thats what you are thinking? im in central florida 30 minutes north of tampa.
The seedling forest looks great and that is always awesome to see when plants begin to recover. Good luck through the freeze and have a Merry Christmas
thank you,and merry x-mas to you!

few more pics from under tables,not the bestquality but you get the point all of these plants are full of buds,and flowers.



i sprayed safe-t-side on all of them yesterday so they look a little rough

and yes i know i need todo some weeding,lol.
Looks like they are bouncing back. Glad to see it as getting them to that size must have been a bit of work. Hate to see it all go to waste. Good luck!
well it got down to 37,and i only could get the greenhouse up to 47. thats with 2 propane heaters and 1 electric. i think im going to cover the seedlings also tonight maybe that will put a couple degrees on them?
Sic - I am definitely jealous of the amount of space you have there! Is that greenhouse a 16 x 24? Have you looked into doing the double layer inflated sidewalls? From what I understand it can make a huge difference in insulation factor for not much more cost. One trick I use is Reflectix on the north wall of my greenhouse. I think it cost me about $100 but I easily save that much each winter in energy costs. My GH has polycarb sidewalls though, so it is very easy to line them with the Reflectix.

The other trick I have learned over last year is running a big fan. It seems counter-intuitive to me, but my big 30" oscillating fan seems to make more efficient use of the heat being kicked out by my 30,000 BTU heater. So far I haven't had to run it full blast and we were below 20 last night. Temps in the GH are staying around 60 at night.

I tried to overwinter about 100 plants last year, hoping that they would give me a early start to my season, but in practice, they started producing at the same time as my new plants. I decided this year to save myself the trouble and the greenhouse space. You being in Florida, you may see completely different results though, and I hope you do.
Yeah, that greenhouse looks HUGE! The plants definitely look like they are bouncing back and ready to pod up like crazy.

To what ghostpepperstore wrote, isn't that the same effect as using a ceiling fan to push heat around? That type of approach is common in houses in winter climates like up here.
Man the muddy Trinidad scorpions have bounced back nicely, glad one's on my list ... those Caribbean peppers have to be hardy to grow up in the Islands ;) BTW we had 49°F last night here, if my thermometer is accurate :D
ghostpepperstore,the green house is 24x36.my sidewalls are single layer because you can roll them up and there is shade cloth on the side under the plastic. the roof is double inflated though.and fan would help i didnt think about that.

Yeah, that greenhouse looks HUGE! The plants definitely look like they are bouncing back and ready to pod up like crazy.

To what ghostpepperstore wrote, isn't that the same effect as using a ceiling fan to push heat around? That type of approach is common in houses in winter climates like up here.

yup in upstate n.y. we kept our ceiling fans on in the winter.

i also only opened the sides about 8 inches for like 2 hours today just to get the steam out,then closed so heat start building up its 90 in there right now,il go turn the heat on in a hour i think they will be o.k.? suppose to warm up tomorrow.

also ghostpepper im hoping the early start does pay off, i have like 300 seedlings that are rady to go in buckets so this next week im going to transplant and hopefully they will grow crazy ? the little seedlings are all going in the ground if they die ill just start more,have over 3000 more seeds from my stock.
24 x 36 is pretty sweet! That about what size I would like my next one to be! Do you have an exhaust in there? Ours came with an exhaust system that does a really good job of regulating the temperature during the day. I highly recommend it. We also have some thermal mass which keeps the temperature swings from being overly drastic most of the time. I really like the roll up sides option, I would like to have that but it is just too cold here in the winter. On the flip side of that, in the summer, even with a 60% shade cloth, nothing grows well in ours because it really difficult to keep it cool enough.

Again, I am jealous that you can put seedlings in the ground this time of year. I have 5 more months before I can transplant out.
no exhaust,but i do plan on that in the future. the seedlings are not going in the ground yet ill hve them in there in like 2 months though. thats just the small ones also. the pic of the bigger ones will go in buckets. this summer im also putting shade cloth on top because it does get hot. everythoing will be outside in the shade house. going to do a harvest of x-mas cactus in green house this summer.