This years lineup...

Canuk Pepperhead said:
This may be a stupid question but how much larger are they than a normal jap
Not a variety, just any large sized jalapenos. Just preparing for the Jalapeno invitational challenge.
Canuk Pepperhead said:
Im going to be bugging a certian user that lives close to me soon for some other varietys like slimjims etc..(I wont say any names Potawie)lol

I don't know what slim jims are except for stealing cars or cheap pepperoni but send me a PM letting me know what you're looking for and I'd be happy to help.:)
Already started

Naga Morich
Orange Rocoto
Thai Dragon

Waiting to start or waiting for seed

Trinidad Scorpion
Mayan Love
San Felipe
Golden Greek Pepperoncini
Italian Pepperoncini

and last but not least for the chilemans competition
(secret weapon) Jalapeno

I may add a few other varieties but those are definite.
Two comments, and I still have no idea what that shirt means.
Is that a little mushroom cloud?

Anyways, now seriously.
What kind of Jalapeño is the longest? grande?
I'm looking for something freakishly long, so I could win. :whistle:
Grande it is then.

BTW Canuk Pepperhead, all because of some hot sauce? Psh... Nobody beats me when it comes to food. You can put cyanide for all I care, if it's on a plate, I'll eat it all.
Omri said:
Grande it is then.

BTW Canuk Pepperhead, all because of some hot sauce? Psh... Nobody beats me when it comes to food. You can put cyanide for all I care, if it's on a plate, I'll eat it all.
ok where did this come from???I never said I could out hot anyone else...All that was asked was what the shirt meant...Guessing im changing avtars