• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tinks' Will they won't they? glog

All the pepper seeds went in very late this year as the seedlings were cooked in the greenhouse. I did manage to save a couple of plants.
I cannot overwinter plants, no room in the house and greenhouse is unheated, temps drop very low in the winter and chilli plants wouldn't survive.
I grow as many plants as I can mainly for seed collecting for the following year and for making chilli pickle which I dish out among friends.
Apologies for photos, phone is shit and so is the camera on it. Hopefully this will give you a gist of what goes on chez Tink
I just need to figure out how to upload photos ;)

First off the veggie patch, again this is late and I only grow what we can use.

First pic - mini sweetcorn - never grown this before so it's experimental.
2nd - Ukrainian and sweet cherry tomato plants
3rd - couple of courgette plants - when in France grow courgettes, whether you like 'em or not


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Inside the greenhouse - there's a fair few varieties (and sizes) in there - but you get the drift


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Sorry to hear about the toasted seedlings,
but you look like you are well on the road
to recovery.

Is your greenhouse built against a wall? (pic 4)

Good luck going forward, Tink! 😀
thanks Paul, hopefully the plants will do their stuff now :D
Yes it is a lean-to greenhouse, south-facing but with shade from a large tree when the sun gets high.
thanks Paul, hopefully the plants will do their stuff now :D
Yes it is a lean-to greenhouse, south-facing but with shade from a large tree when the sun gets high.
Sounds like a perfect location. If it is south facing,
is their the possibility of using black gravel or paving
stones on the floor as a heat sink during the day which
might keep it a bit warmer during the winter nights?

Or even paint the wall black?
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Sounds like a perfect location. If it is south facing,
is their the possibility of using black gravel or paving
stones on the floor as a heat sink during the day which
might keep it a bit warmer during the winter nights?

Or even paint the wall black?
thanks for the advice Paul, I may keep one or two plants from this year in the greenhouse to see what happens.
Not much to report on the gardening front, peppers are getting greener and bushier, had a bit of sun scald which I've sorted.
Flea beetles have demolished the sprouts and radishes and also eaten the sacrificial nasturtiums I put out. I've got the crops surrounded by basil and coriander plants to try and the beetles off eating anything else and to attract predators.
Got borage and peppermint guarding the chill plants - must be working as nothing has nibbled the chilli plants so far.
Doesn't help when there's boiling temperatures followed by storms, cold and plenty of rain. It's a challenge :D
Buds on the bhuts

Flowers on the black hungarian - bit fuzzy but you can make it out - that was a windy day :lol:

Flowers on the basket of fire

And - taaaaa daaaaa - an actual pepper on the piri piri

and my little sickly, there's always one, don't know what it is - it came in the "random" gift seed packet. I'll give it a couple of weeks, if it doesn't improve then it's the compost bin for this one :cry: