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Tonys Chillis for 2008

Ausome pics Tony! The habs certainly love the aussie heat as do the nagas. Im in Perth Aus and after a few days of 40c and lots of water the we plants have boomed. Pepper ridge....Its all the poms in Aus that keep fosters in business lol.:mouthonfire:

scorp Hot in Hot out
Man you have some awsome pics..Lsst year I mainly grew carrabian reds with a few jalapinos..lol tonnes of peppers with not much left this year im trying to go as diverse as possible to try alot more but deffinately well worth growing carrabian reds
nice flavor with nice heat
Well the rain is clearing up....... we didnt get as much as Queensland up north which is now mostly under water. Hope all the queenslanders on here are OK!
A hot day after all that rain and the orange habs didnt waste it!

They were all green with 2 just starting to show a bit or orange yeaterday.

And thisarvo..........BOOM!



I did a quick cound of pods on this one plant and i got a rough 120 and its still growing and flowering.

scary stuff considering there are 2 of them, and they were the runts of the 6 pack my brother got from the nursary!

His are huge..... but less fruit? mine really liked the dry horse poo i mulched them with and a good feed twice a week.

Yeah sauce for sure.

not sure if i should go a fruit based suace of a tomatoe based sauce with them.

Im going to make a couple of small bottles of intense heat sauce with mainly chillis in it to burn a friend of mine to death with..... he eates chilli sauce on his breakfast cerial!

tony05 said:
Naga Jolokia PC-1. I have about 8 plants of this, each is covered with chillis and if they come in at the suposed 800K mark i have read about, my but is in trouble.

SOme are growing erect. only one of the plants did this and i have been told this is a quality of the variety.

my other habs are only small plants at the moment but they are going well. its been a cold wet summer and they want more heat. there are more months of heat to go though so should get some but not as many as if it was nice and hot all the time. summer is half gone and we have only used the air con once. I think this one is going to be a choc hab. i got didgy seeds that were all over the place.

And this one is not the same..... it came up in the same line of seeds as the choc habs. A red hab perhaps? will have to wait for a ripe pod i think.


Hi, What do you do with all those chilli? I have some of those in my garden as well... I cut up like 8 for each cook.
I usually make sauce and chutneys with them..... my family doesnt like hot food but im slowly turning them.

I love hot food, ecpecially hot sauce and i have friends and family that love my sauce...... i usually make a few bottles as chillis come off the bushes and give them to people and keep enough for myself.

I like to share :)

I harvested again today. I want to take off the ripe pods to encourage the smaller ones on a bit. There are hundreds of them.

I ate one of the orange habs..... the whole thing. They are big and it was a mouthful of pain but i swallowed it after chewing it up a bit.

they weigh a good 10 to 15g each, depending on size.

I then drooled all over the backyard for 5 minuites and have been burping up habanero ever since hehe

I wasnt game to go a goatsweed this time round. I ate half of one last time and it gave me more burn... for longer and a bigger belly ache all night! They are nasty!

Time to get some Mango and make some suace! im thinking bananna for texture and lime for some tartness to ballance the sweet as well.



They have a very pungent aroma and are quite hot. Habanero range in the mouth.... even hotter id say cuase i ate far less goatsweed than habanero and it burnt like a bugger.... for longer and gave me a belly ache. The whole had i ate didnt!

HEre is my chilli progress.

I have a mystery mystery habanero growing... not sure what it it. they have a very characteristic shape..... anyone want to make a prediction and test your knowledge?


The goatsweeds are going strong. They turn from black to green and then turn red when ripe.

My chocolate hab is ripening. it would do faster if it would warm up and dry out a bit.
Exciting times!

My mystery chilli is producing well..... they are similar to the goatsweed in shape and colour but nowhere near as hot and the plants are more like the Indian PC-1 but darker. I never ordered anything like this in seeds and the seed suplier doesnt know what it is either.


And if i can keep the swarms of fruit flys away from the yellow rocoto's (that were suposed to be red when i ordered seeds) i will get a great crop. there are 50+ peppers comming on after i lost about 40 to fruit fly. I had to strip the plant of fruit and start again which was upsetting.

they are looking good so far. the plant is 6 feet tall now.


mystery chinensis is straight up carribean red thats my guess.
I'm locked in eddy.
I love the rocoto really coollooking plant I got one at the shop in the window but the flowers drop off
Ahhhhhhh tops stuff........ thats it! The flowers are the same and all.

I was very budious at first but its not a bad little pepper. good flavour and fair heat. will make good sweet chilli sauce.

cheers and thanks.