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Tonys Chillis for 2008

the flowers on that rocoto dropped off for a month or more before one stuck. I almost ripped it out thinking something was wrong with it.

I did buy seeds for red habaneros but with the track record the seeds have had with white bullet habs growing to PC-1 and manzano reds ripening to yellow..... and the black fire above....???? It could be a pumpkin plant in the end. I will take a carribean red though!!!

fingers crossed.
carribean red, red habanero or red savini are all extremely similiar, notmuch between them at all, butjust going on pod shape I'm thinkin carribean red still. Good little plant ask billy boy.. there one of his absolute favourites and he's got six foot nagas in his backyard lol.
:P your not wrong there stillmanz, the flavour of those Caribbean Hot Reds are fantastic, eat them as is no problem yummo:)
I have my first ripe india PC-1 so i'm pretty happy about that, and i am picking about 20 ripe orange habs off 2 plants every day :shocked:.

Only a few minutes ago i was inspecting my plants (as i do very closely every day) and i found a goatsweed on the ground which just a light shade of red at the base.

Not wanting it to go to waste i bit into it :mouthonfire:, i should have known better cause i have tried them at tony05's place. Well holy hell, the neighbours were having a great laugh at me drooling and spitting all over the lawn.

I had the last laugh cause i gave them the rest of the chili, and i can still here them crying in pain.

Some people just can't handle the heat...

after we tried that first goatsweed that day..... i have eaten a couple orange habs. I was picking chillis and my pockets were full. I had a bright red..... half sized goatsweed and thought... na, they cant be as hot as the habs. So i bit it off and chewed it up.

The heat is different. It hits you like a cricket bat at full swing. Its almost instant and intense burning. Its Biting! Ive read that description before but now i think ive experienced it. There is no slow building fire like the habaners's, its like someone pops a glowing hot coal in your mouth. And it just wont go away.

On the PC-1, i have found i have 2 different types. Some of them are a longer, slimmer thinner fleshed chilli with a bit of heat about them and the others seem to be thicker fleshed, a bit fatter and smoother. They have a bitter taste and no heat. like Jalepeno heat.
Im going to rip them out and bin them. peppers and all. they dont even taste nice. The thinner ones are a bit better. I have been giving them away to people who want chilli but not 200K SHU tongue burners

I have a Devils Tongue and Trini Scorpion seed in pots next to the 7 Pot on my kitchen wondowsill where its warm in the sun. HEre's hoping for some better chillis on the menu next year.

The foliage should be dark purple if its Royal black

Oh OK.... the pictures on the chilliman link above look exactly the same as my plant with black and green varigared stalks and dark green leaves. It also notes that they grow erect until gravity takes hold. If you look at my picture thats exactly what mine do.
Yours look great with the black leaves. Perhaps i have a watered down strain?

If the leaves aren't black it can#t be Royal Black IMO!

The variety I suggested has green leaves and was created in Australia. Might make it a little more likely. I am always amazed at the large number of varieties there are nowadays...
There is another black leaf chili called the black pearl pepper.

It's an ornamental plant and it looks cool.

Well i think so....

The chilis are 1/4 inch berry size or smaller and are in huge clusters all over the plant and they start out black and go red.

I am looking at getting a few seeds and set it up as a hedge.

that all makes perfect sence.

thanks folks..... i love learning about all this.

They are actually a very nice pepper with a good heat for chewing on in the yard.

I have not even looked yet, but can you order Goats Weed seeds on the internet?
they are on fataliis seed shop and chillibird (but they seem tohave gone a bitsuspect of late) so most likely some of the bigger seed companies in the US should have them. they are a really angy hot cool looking plant too.
Thanks BB...I have dealt with Beth and she definitely is a pleasure to do business with...
definatly grow the goatsweed. They are evil little chillis.

I planted mine at 1 inch tall jusy before winter and it survived the almosr wero temps, rain, wind ect for 3 months then went muts nad grew to 6 feet tall and is producing hundreds of schorcing hot chillis. Im going to let it go for the winter and see if it produces all year round in my climate.


Im getting a bit scared.

My 2 orange habanero plants seem to be on steroids. Or fertility drugs.

I have 7 or 8 PC1 plants. The 2 plants that grew from the seeds i bought as PC-1 are not to bad. They have a fair flavour and a nice solid heat that will go well as dried flaked chilli or in a sweet chilli cauce. The plants that grew from the seeds i bought as White habs have a fatter, plumper red pepper on them. they are bitter and have almost no heat. I put about 50 chillis in the bin and will rip all these palnts out and bin them..... they are a waste of time and water.

My 2 orange hab plants are going to produce double what i have here at least and ive used 20 or so, so far.


I still have a chocolate hab plant and the mystery red hab that after research on pepper shapes is looking like savinia red spelling?... its late) so some heat to be had there. there is another 80 super hot chillis that are starting to ripen.

Also the Manzano Yellow that will produce kilos of hot flesh!

In the past ive always grown Jalapenos and cayenne type chillis and used 60 of them in sauce. I tink i have 10 years supply of fauce on my hands with all these and whats to come!

I have seeds for about every nasty hot chilli out there in stock now too so i will stretch than over time.


PS..... first pic is tonights harvest with all the yucky PC-1's on the left, second is all the frozen and fresh pods so far off just a few plants, and more than that to come!


Nice crop tony :drooling:

What do your goatsweed look like? I have two young ones, one is green the other has a purple hairy stem....will the true goatsweed please stand up.