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Top This Sandwich! A sandwich posting game

There are two ways to post a sandwich here.
1. Post what you feel is the best authentic, most unique, or most extreme version of a sandwich (anything goes), which cannot possibly be topped. At the top, post "Top This ____!" Example: Top This Grilled Cheese! Then, tell us about it.
2. The second way to post is to pick a sandwich to try to top. In this post you will mention whose sandwich you are trying to top, and provide a link to it by right clicking the post number (top right of post) and copying/pasting the link to yours. If you post a sandwich here, even if you are trying to top someone, you understand someone may try to top YOU!
If it's not a know type of sandwich, all you have to do is try to top the sandwich using the main ingredient(s) and style of the sandwich, or the "gist" of the sandwich. I'm sure there will be a lot of creativity, so obviously you don't have to "recreate" what they did. The idea is to TOP it with your creativity (or skill!). If they posted a simple yet authentic sandwich, also keep it simple and authentic. Over-the-top isn't topping. It's all about the BEST!
No reposts! Make it for here or don't post it here. :)
This is for fun! It's up to you what tops what but there will be no official winners! Use the Like button.
Looks good oldsalty, also i really dig mushrooms!
Top that post!!!

grantmichaels said:
Who thinks they have the most rockin' grilled cheese? ...
I'll confess to wanting to see a grilled cheese sandwich thread for years ...
I'll admit i wanted to do this since i read Grant post. No, wait: long before that!
Cats and dog were really interested in that.
I didn't care to make that with skill or elegance... It was nearly impossible to make bad that one.
It could even look crappy but i don't care.
Also bread was not bad at all.
The stuff:

2 slices of very young Grana Padano (i believe 6 months old) intentionally made for grill. I've never seen that around except a big cheese factory near my home. Around 500g.
2 slices of tosella. Around 350g.
2 tomini. Around 200g,
6 slices of bacon... And a really good one, no strange aromas, just very salted and plain ol'good! Around 200g
Just grill, assemble and eat. And heat. 2 crumbled piripiri, 1 in the middle one on top.
No oil, no bp (geeme compliant), no salt, no sauces. I was just me and the cheese (and bacon, bread and piri piri of course)
I've eaten more than half of that and i'm stll hungry.
Cooking bacon:

Not too much, just to make it soft.
Cooking cheese:

Just to be sure it won't melt down...
The thing:


3 cheese wins: grana for thickness and a dfferent taste, tosella for melt and "melt taste", tomino for sauce consistency and a somewhat gorgonzola like taste.
I was in doubt if use bacon or speck, that bacon was similar to speck so it wasn't an issue.
Grilled cheese is just so good!
Look at all that cheese.
I'll admit that this is so far from golden white bread and melted 'murican cheese that I can't compare them ...
I want this, now. I might have to fry a pack of Benton's now ...
The Hot Pepper said:
I hate to say this but that monster needs a sunny side egg on top. Mmmmmm. Too much? :lol:
Good point, i didn't thought that. But i wanted it pure cheese hearted (powered with pork)! :D
grantmichaels said:
He's got a two-texture cheese going there, I think ...
I have a feeling this thing works.
It worked! :D Not that i made something particular since in half of an hour all was cooked and eaten (i kept a small part for tomorrow at work). Btw triple texture: white high and on bottom is tosella, thick is grana and very melted all aroud is tomino (i usually didn't buy it since it costs twice than the previous, it adds different flavour btw, and was good here).
Decadent is one word for that sammie.

I can picture all those flavors; the smoky, salty, chewy bacon, the creamy cheeses, the crushed piri piri.


Oh. And you literally grilled the cheese!!!!! Ha!!!!!!! That's awesome. A real grilled cheese! ;)
The Hot Pepper said:
Oh. And you literally grilled the cheese!!!!! Ha!!!!!!! That's awesome. A real grilled cheese! ;)
It's good, taste is intensified! ;)
Trust than when there's various grilled meat and grilled cheese i'm the first line fighter to eat the second! :D
I for one, love it.  I'd have grilled the bacon a touch more, just a personal thing, but the combo of cheeses.  Damn...  So nice.
Poo poo you and your crisp bacon. That's thick cut cured bacon not slimy packaged liquid smoke stuff, you could eat that like prosciutto! He put a crisp but kept it chewy like good bacon should be done.

Damnnnnnnnnnnn! Just look!
No no no THP, I don't like CRISP bacon, I just like it a little more done than that.  When the fat starts to turn, but it is still bendy, that is perfect for me.  
Yeah I could see that. Hard to tell in pics.
Scoville DeVille said:
Lordy Lordy Lordy Lord!

I'm speachless Essi.

Daaaeeeuuummm fine mountain of a sandwich.
Thanks Scovie!
JayT said:
I for one, love it. I'd have grilled the bacon a touch more, just a personal thing, but the combo of cheeses. Damn... So nice.
You see it right because i didn't cook too much. It began to crisp but i didn't want to have taste too adulterated.
The Hot Pepper said:
you could eat that like prosciutto!
You are right and it's still good cooked. Prosciutto is ruined even if used to top a just cooked pizza! I'm doing something similar wednesday but with a layer of "special protection" for it! :D
cypresshill1973 said:
You are a cheese murderer Essegi!!! Until cheese is gooey see both, but I'd try.

Here grilled cheese. We use sliced provolone, olive oil and oregan. This cheese is orgasmic
Provolone is great for that! Asiago and similar cheese too! Maybe tosella is easier too cook because it resists a bit more to melt down, but all tastes so good!
cypresshill1973 said:
You are a cheese murderer Essegi!!!   Until cheese is gooey see both, but I'd try.
Here grilled cheese. We use sliced provolone, olive oil and oregan. This cheese is orgasmic
I had a version of this but it was melted in a small cast iron pan.  Served it with bread.  Good stuff!
Essegi said:
You are right and it's still good cooked. Prosciutto is ruined even if used to top a just cooked pizza! I'm doing something similar wednesday but with a layer of "special protection" for it! :D
Oh man Essegi you are so right!
You take a ham that took a year to cure like prosciutto and you crisp it in a pan? Or on a pie? Hell no!!!!!
However I love it on pizza, I put it on after the cook and give it some ripples so it's not sticking to the top cooking. It warms from the steam which makes it more suitable since the pizza is hot.
Interested to see your barrier! 
Husker21 said:
I had a version of this but it was melted in a small cast iron pan.  Served it with bread.  Good stuff!
It is also made in cast iron pan, but grilled taste different.
To roast should freeze it and put it on the grill frozen even with very high heat. a shell so that it melts and can not fall between the grill is formed.
You should try it
You can also use a pizza screen to grill cheese effectively.