food Top This Sandwich! A sandwich posting game

Still fantastic! :D
You don't need to press them, just let it sit in a CI with butter and flip.
Oh ya?  Well, I'm packin' too...

JayT said:
Better not do that or we will be running around this thread all willy-nilly in our underpants.  Hell, I was about to post a pic of my stromboli in here!
grantmichaels said:
bread roulade sammie.
JayT said:
nope, roulade is rolled like a pinwheel.
grantmichaels said:
I'm out of my depth, clearly.
Stromboli can be roulade, lots of places consider that the way to roll it.
See (not mine obviously):

Gadget knows.
yes, that's the type of stromboli I'm familiar w/ ...
i've had many in the city that way ...
(little known factoid - i spent a couple of weeks in NJ/NYC every winter of my life) ...
love me some pretzel at the tunnel, museum of natural science, ferrara bakery etc ...
Yeah otherwise it falls apart when you eat it and really it's filled with too much stuff. Them Amish lol.
Top This Fuck-Traditional Pulled Porker

A drunkpft story in pix ...











currently drinking a double latte in hopes of turning this back around tonight, still, but damn, that was tasty.

pork's great, guess my nose was shot last night from the fire ...

and there's lots ... party!
That's how you do!

Chips & pickles, good call!

Is that a mustard sauce? Said Carolina so I figured.
I know bro but it's a golden color. Just putting two and two together. ;)
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Mustard is only part of Carolina...not Eastern for sure....we be all about hot vinegar! Nice sammie Grant. I won;t repost to top it hhehehehe 
If you cooked it fresh, postie up.
Yeah, I have two bottles of Sticky Fingers in play right now ...
I picked this one because I like the combination of pickles and mustard ...
Without the pickles, though, I'd have used the "sweet" version in lieu of the "carolina" style ...
Great Sunday grub, complete w/ a nap to sleep off the alcohol ...
Now, back to work =( ...
The Carolina Gold is South Carolina btw... not North where you have the tomato vinegar division.
FreeportBum said:
Grant looks good but as the boss says... Where's da heat?
JHP Thai Blend was sprinkled generously on the serving of meat seen on the lid in the group shot, but I realize that's hard to visualize there ...
texas blues said:
Hoisin style, doggy style, any style.
I dig it!
I did the sammies bottom-bottom & top-top ... the top-top version had most of the qualities of banh mi, and was superior to the bottom-bottom one w/ the flecks ... surprised me.