food Top This Sandwich! A sandwich posting game

Very nice sammie Pic1! I was lucky enough to be in Va this weekend doing stuff for hunting season and they happen to have one of the BBQ fund raisers going on...the pigs were on hoof on Friday and we ate them as BBQ on Saturday. The guys cooked 1200 pounds of Boston Butts. My picture is not sexy but the freshness of the pork was amazing! Loving the colors in your slaw and very nice smoke ring on the q.
Leftovers for Sat night...
Oh hell YES!
Is that Defcon sauce?
I see of lot of posting but not a lot of topping!

People skeeerd???
From what Nova and Pip told me, Aussies do not care for Defcon.  I think they are crazy, but they told me over and over that they don't like it.
Oh and Pooks, stop hating on my Martin's rolls or I will send my cat to eat your face.
Storebrand cayenne sauce.

Got a few hippy seed company bottles left and some of junglerains. Need to load up

Never tried defcon, last few things I got from the states, been getting stung with postage
The sauce looks good. I thought it was cayenne and looks like butter or cream or a thickener is in it so I thought Defcon, which is cayenne w/cream.
Boom's scallop po' boy.
Have mercy on a bun!
Some here always give me sheeit for lovin' long time the Aussie awesomenessess.
Well then just look at that pic bastiges!
That's MY sammich!
You can't get affordable scallop's here in North Texas.
Large, bay or otherwise.
Even at my local Try-N-Save they run $18+ a pound.
A damn shame.
Aussie's = Texan's.
True story.
LOL who gave you shit for lovin' Booma's food/Aussie food? They've been posting the awesome for a long time here.
Might have been me.  I just mentioned his man crush on the Aussies.  I don't deny their awesomeness though.  I love me some scallops too.  About $15.99 here.  
I remember when he was drunk and thought Grant was Booma and could find no fault in the dish even thought there was something he didn't like... until he finally saw it was Grant LOLLLOLOLLLLL!!!! Serious man crush!!!! :rofl: