food Top This Sandwich! A sandwich posting game

Pretty sure I posted them in my Flog last summer, also pretty sure there are a couple of pickle threads already.

BS. I'm a devout subscriber ...

Never know when the next calzone/stromboli will drop ...
yep definitely need a dedicated pickle thread.   I have just been searching for a pickled scotch bonnet recipe after getting invited to a friends parents place for supper over the weekend.  They are Jamaican and brought back some awesome pickled scotch bonnets my friends uncle grew and pickled.  It went crazy good with the pork roast and roasted pineapple.  I think her parents were a little taken aback when I ate the equivalent of about 10 bonnets with my meal.   Even better after the meal they gave me a double shot of 12 yr old appleton to sip on .   :dance:
To borrow the name given to this sandwich from one of my favorite local haunts, I give you Conehead Chicken.  Blackened chicken sandwich (yes I did so in my garlic fire oil and not the traditional butter, get over it) with chunky bleu cheese fried serranos, tomato, lettuce, American cheese, and Thaibanero hot sauce on a buttered and toasted Martins roll.






Quite possibly my favorite sandwich of all-time.
He also used oil to piss me off! I'm with ya TB. He's a real bastige!!!!