Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

cool.. thanks guys, i'll update the charts and tables tomorrow and post some charts for you all... its just after midnight here and time for me to head off to bed..

update the spreadsheet all you want!
A couple of Scorpion pictures for this thread.

The Scorps are in the window sill. I am about to take them all outside for the day. If it warms up in the evenings soon then they will stay the night out there. They got their first gentle rain yesterday. They loved it

Those are looking quite well MjdTexan, congrats. The leaves are huge. You feeding them yet?

Kudos to you Mel for taking over the job of head bean counter--'bout time we had somebody in there who can count past 20 without taking their drawers off.:P

Here's a couple of shots of my T.S. CARDI that are posted in my 2010 grow thread. Hope no one minds the duplicity.


And the profile shot.


This is quickly becoming my favorite plant.
Mine were looking a little yellow yesterday so I gave them their first dose of food. I mixed up some 20/20/20 at half strength and bottom watered them. I swear they grew overnight and color is coming back into them. Still waiting on my TS CARDI's to sprout, hopefully by the end of the week they will be up.
Finally got around to adding my data... I had to estimate the date for my first round of sprouts, so the 1/15/2010 data for 3 of my first sprouts is just a padded guess. I also put two entries for some failed seeds from the first round. Should I have included single seed plantings that didn't pop?

Name Colour Variety Source Number Seeds Planted Germination Temperature Germination Start Date Germination Media First Sprout Date Number of Seeds Germinated @ 21 Days Germination % Not Germinated Days to Germination
Red Yellow Other
ZanderSpice X Standard Cmpman1974/SaraR 1 85F 1/1/2010 Coco Coir 1/15/2010 1 100% 0 15
ZanderSpice X Moruga Blend Cmpman1974 1 85F 1/1/2010 Coco Coir 1/15/2010 1 100% 0 15
ZanderSpice X BT Homegrown/ButchT 1 85F 1/1/2010 Coco Coir 1/15/2010 1 100% 0 15
ZanderSpice X Standard Josh 1 85F 1/1/2010 Coco Coir 0 0% 1
ZanderSpice X Cardi Cmpman1974 1 85F 1/1/2010 Coco Coir 0 0% 1
ZanderSpice X Cardi Cmpman1974/SaraR 3 85F 1/29/2010 Coco Coir 2/5/2010 3 100% 0 7
ZanderSpice X Standard AJ 3 85F 1/29/2010 Coco Coir 2/5/2010 2 66% 1 7

I haven't had the best luck with Trinidad Scorpions this year, my 1/1 planting Bhuts and 7s are happier and farther along. I also kept the second round (AJ and Yellow CARDI on 1/29) under weak light for too long. Plenty of time though...

I've also got a cutting from '09 (BT) around, and I did a second planting of Josh's seeds so I will have plenty of Scorpions this year.
Novacastrian said:
Couldn't hurt could it?

Milk man have you got a link to a closer shot of that pod? Looks fantastic.

Nah, the multi coloured one is probably the closest shot I have. Not exactly sure what everyone wanted, I would of taken closer!

Most of my T. Scorpions are loaded at the moment, not sure if I have any other pods as beautiful (or ugly) as that though.
looks good to me milk_man.. did you grow the plant from seed or just aquire it?? i'm gonna add some extra bits to the recordings... pod size and a personal heat rating i think... anyone else got any other suggestions?
It's all good mate. I have a bit of a fetish for looking at the pools of cap oil in pods is all! :D

Edit: Mel if you want to get technical you could ask how many seeds a particular pod produced.
happy to record any kinds of stats you guys are happy to provide! would # of seeds be a bit too much for everyone to keep track of?
Can't see why if it's only the one "official" pod. Of coarse it could be a total pita too!
Just throwing stuff out there.
mel said:
looks good to me milk_man.. did you grow the plant from seed or just aquire it?? i'm gonna add some extra bits to the recordings... pod size and a personal heat rating i think... anyone else got any other suggestions?

This plant was actually a clone from my last season T. Scorp, and I'm pretty sure the seeds were acquired from Trinihottie, a member of this forum.

I refuse to sample my pods without being added to food to establish the heat level. I tried a whole one a few weeks back when I was on site doing some I.T. work at a high school, and all I can say is that lying on your back in a suit on the floor of a toilet cubicle after vomiting and feeling like you are about to pass out is slightly unprofessional ;)
thanks nova - appreciate suggestions.. will wait for more feedback on the seed #'s before adding it..

with the self appraisal i dont think it matters how you do it.. but i've gotta come up with some kind of rating system before i add it in.. of course it will be subjective and totally bias.. but i think it'll be fun ;)