Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

i need stats Aji!! its ok... i'll check it out tomorrow and see what i can do.. I'll work with what i've got :D a lot of the stats calculate themselves (with a bit of help!)

edit: i've turned into a talking advertisement for this thread!! check out my sig!!
Never a bad thing.

You also gonna advertise for missing pods? :D (Have you seen this Scorpion? Last seen entering my mouth. Everything else was a blurr...)
lol.. nice one Aji.. i'm afraid that one will be misconstrued greatly on this site!

edit: i do have plans to clean up the sig... just not tonight :D
Oh about the sig, forget tinyurl. There is a feature here to just turn them into clicky's. I am too dumb to remember how to do it though.

Borrowing from this thread and the one about which is hotter, a Scorpion or a 7-pod...

...does anyone know anyone at the Chile Pepper Institute?

Would be interesting if everyone who participates in the Trini Scorpion appreciation sent a pod or two (or three) when our plants produce pods for testing to get an average of the heats (by HPLC ot SHU) from all our combined pods.

Might give a more accurate estimate of the true power of the Trini Scorpion. :)
I don't think the chili pepper institute does testing themselves they send it out to labs, and they aren't going to pay to have everyone's pods tested, they don't even test their own scorpions and 7 pot/pods etc.
According to Scott Roberts, CPI is still testing...

Scott: Has any HPLC testing, either conclusive or inconclusive, been done on chile peppers that are allegedly hotter than the Jolokia, such as the Trinidad Scorpion or the 7 Pod/7 Pot? Do you think anything will usurp the bhut jolokia as the world's hottest chile?

Danise Coon: None of these varieties are likely to surpass that Bhut Jolokia in heat testing. A lot of individuals "cheat" when testing by removing just the placenta of the pod and testing that, this way of testing does not give an accurate heat rating of the pod as a whole. We are currently testing the Trinidad and we will publish the results accordingly.

Interview Here
Hi Mel,

Would you mind entering my data into the spreadsheet? I don't mind updating the rows going forward, but I'm sure I'd screw it up trying to add them to the sheet initially.:lol:

Any questions, just let me know - thanks.

Color, Variety, Source, # planted, G. Temp, Start Date, G. Media, 1st Sprout, #G. @ 21, G. %, Not G., Days to G.

Red, Std., AlabamaJack, 2, 80-84, 12-Feb, Cactus Soil, 20-Feb, 2, 100, 0, 9
Yellow, CARDI, Cmpman1974, 2, 80-84, 12-Feb, Cactus Soil, 21-Feb, 1, 50, 1, 10
Red, Std., AsiasGarden, 2, 80-84, 12-Feb, Cactus Soil, 21-Feb, 2, 100, 0, 10
Yellow, Std., Peppermania, 2, 80-84, 12-Feb, Cactus Soil, 22-Feb, 1, 50, 1, 11
Red, Std., Peppermania, 2, 80-84, 12-Feb, Cactus Soil, ,0, 0, 2, ,
Red, BT, ButchT, 2, 80-84, 12-Feb, ProMixBX, , 0, 0, 2, ,
hey sorry mel for the delay. heres some more data. but i will update it myself so no worries.

scorpion color: yellow
variety: CARDI
source: cmpman1974
# of seeds plated: 6
date seeds started: 1-23-2010
germination temp: 89F
constant: +/- 2F
media: fine coco coir
other treatments: 1/2 tsp liquid karma for 1 gallon of water
Mjdtexan said:
All mine have germinated and spend their days outside. On the chart I am down as no germination.

do you have a rough idea how long they took to germinate? I can search back through to see if its there.. will update it for you asap :)
Hey Mel, just so you can update the spread sheet, 10 of the 15 from AsiasGarden germinated but only 8 lived. All 5 seeds from AJ germinated and are doing great as seedlings. I planted 10 TS CARDI seeds on 2-18, still germinating though.
Hi all.. updated charts.. please let me know if you dont think it looks right.. i havent posted the average germination time by temp as i think i did something wrong and it doesnt look right.. so i'll fix that up and post it for you tomorrow..
EDIT: removed chart to save bulking up the thread - see my latest post for latest chart :D
Hey Mel I got both red(9) and yellows(9) new sources direct from Trinidad, and Chocolate(3) T. Scorpions going this year. 100% germination as I plant several seeds per cell and don't keep track of how many I thinned out. Just a FYI.
My t-scorps are by FAR the slowest to crack!! >.< Makes me look full of fail, haha.

**Edit: To clarify, I mean slowest of the varieties I am germing, not out of all of us.