Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

Hey guys, I'll adjust the spreadsheet and upload a chart.... I'm gonna cut it down to just one chart as it seems like a bit of overkill.. Do u think germ % or the #'s?
numbers it is then.. i'll upload the chart tonight when i get home.. cant access photobucket through work :P
What's the yellow one? Not the CARDI strain? I can't keep up with them all? :)


Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Hey Mel I got both red(9) and yellows(9) new sources direct from Trinidad, and Chocolate(3) T. Scorpions going this year. 100% germination as I plant several seeds per cell and don't keep track of how many I thinned out. Just a FYI.
updated stats :D did you update the spreadsheet Kyle or do you need me to?
EDIT: removed chart to save bulking up the thread - see my latest post for latest chart :D
mel said:
updated stats :D did you update the spreadsheet Kyle or do you need me to?

I think I may have saved this one too small so it might be missing some names
Well, yall went from not having me correct, then you corrected it, now I am back on there as not correct. What happened to AlabamaJacks spreadsheet. All my Trini seeds have germed before 21 days. I have yellow and normal. Starting to wonder about yall

Mike D
JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBUS! MTD!! I mentioned that I made it too small.. give a girl a break!

I'll fix it up for you tomorrow :P
After I looked at it again, I am on there correct if the yellows and reds are lumped together. I may have mouthed off a little early on that one. Please accept my apologies.

El Pirata Pepper
cmpman1974 said:
What's the yellow one? Not the CARDI strain? I can't keep up with them all?

Hey Chris I have both your red and CARDI Yellow going plus Trinicoolieboy(Shameal) red and yellow T. Scorpions, will be interesting to compare the two sources.
updated chart.. if I've still got it wrong let me know :D
EDIT: removed chart to save bulking up the thread - see my latest post for latest chart :D
It looks good Mel, add 3 more scorpions to my list, the 3 that werent devistated by the mail system are in grow mix. 15 total not germinated yet.
added.. i'm going to only update the chart every couple of days as if i do it each time there is a change to the spreadsheet i'll end up over-running this thread! let you guys focus on the growing :D
nice looking pods Nova!! I've added a column for the largest pod size in the spreadsheet, so even if you're growing scorps from previous seasons, you can still join in the data collecting fun! :P (i'm such a NERD!)
These are from this season hot lips. (sorry, have been watching mash). I am not sure how i could help with the data, i am not very anal. :whistle: