Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

just measure your biggest pod and put in the info you big wimp!

(or just send it to me and i'll add it!)
Mine got lost in the shuffle but here's what I planted and when:
Yellow scorpion AJ 1/29/10 germinated 2/5/10
Red scorpion AJ 1/29/10 germinated 2/5/10
Planted in peat pellets, no heat mat
Matt50680 said:
Yeah and boil away some of the 10,000 lakes, it will kill the misquitos!!! :D :D :D


Frowns upon your shenanigans.
updated chart.. Pepperfever I've added you in but wasnt sure how many you have so I put one for each colour.. let me know if you have more and I'll adjust it.

EDIT: removed chart to save bulking up the thread - see my latest post for latest chart :D
okay, Mel, out of 12 seeds planted, 6 Cardi and 6 trinidad, all of my Cardi's germinated and two of my Trinidad. Re potted them all tonight!
thanks Celeste, i've updated the spreadsheet, you'll see it represented in the next chart in a couple of days :D
I am a little disappointed with my scorpions so just doesn't seem like they are growing that well...then again, I have no other ones to compare them to...except bhuts and 7 pot which are doing about the same...they were transplanted yesterday

How are everyone elses "AJs Scorpions" growing?...

here are some pics....


I found some dried pods from 2008, collected the seeds and planted another tray yesterday too...
looks good to me AJ!!! they are well outperforming my bhut's and scotch bonnets.. although mine are outside and i dont have the fancy set up that you do :D
thanks mel...I looked at my blog "30 days from seed" and it seems they are way behind....see what I am talking about?...even though the title says 30 days from seed, this is 5-6 weeks

55-60% has been very dry for the past week, but these have been in the grow box and I keep it pretty humid in there with misting the plants and keeping it closed....