• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippa's 2013-2014 ...its weird and wonderful ... for now..

Great looking baby pics! I am always a sucker for the seedlings with a purple tinge to them.
I can't speak to the tomato variety you were asking about, but my favourite of the ones I grew this year was the Dixie Golden Giant. It has an amazing family that everyone in my family loved. 
stc3248 said:
Let's go Tripp...so time for sick! Suck it up and move it along! We want pictures...not sniffles! Hope you feel better brotha, sick sucks...
On the mend fingers crossed ... yesterday it was confirmed as H1N1 influenza ... otherwise known as Swine flu ..... yay!! feel 10xs better today then yesterday though (for a start I got out of bed) and doc reckons it won't be contagious now so maybe some Havana Rum tonight at a house party will help kill those last few lingering bugs?? :D
PIC 1 said:
I wanted to grow a single Tomato plant this year (I know I really don't have the room but I am telling myself I will :D )  I was looking at getting the San Marzano variety ... has anyone here grown this before and if so do you recommend it??
Hey Tripp
The San Marzano is a great tomato.......grown them for years.
They might be too large for a balconey.  Try to find yourself a large Cherry variety that will tolerate growing in a container. Most have a great taste and produce vine like clusters all season. Altough they're not the "King of the Sandwich" type.....the use of them can go in many directions.
Your seedlings look spot on. The color appears to have stabilized. They're off to a healthy start...
Cheers Greg .... ok thanks for the advice ... maybe I will look at the thai pink variety??
Stefan_W said:
Great looking baby pics! I am always a sucker for the seedlings with a purple tinge to them.
I can't speak to the tomato variety you were asking about, but my favourite of the ones I grew this year was the Dixie Golden Giant. It has an amazing family that everyone in my family loved. 
Cheers Stefan !!
Bad Luck on the FLU mate..
I'm trying out a new variety of tomatoes  for me.. they are called Super Sioux.
Super Sioux is an excellent variety for areas with hot summer temperatures, since it sets fruit well in spite of the heat and dry conditions. Thick-walled, crack-free, slightly ribbed and comes in at approximately 12 ounces exquisite taste. This heirloom is disease resistant and is a good choice for home gardeners. Semi-indeterminate. 70 days
We will see how they go and my yearly battle against the Fruit Fly.
Hope you get well
Cheers Mate
I had it too just before Christmas, after I had the flu shot. I'll say this the shot helped, definitely worth getting. I was down hard for one or two days, and then started to come around. They told me to take the whole week off so I wouldn't spread it.
Hope you feel better soon!
I am back up and about ... Poor little baby sprouts have been quite neglected ... Looked at them last night and they look terrible ... Pale coloured ...stunted growth and just generally no vigour .... Dunno what the hell has happened .,. Might need some seaweed and Epsom salt spray to help them out
Trippa said:
I am back up and about ... Poor little baby sprouts have been quite neglected ... Looked at them last night and they look terrible ... Pale coloured ...stunted growth and just generally no vigour .... Dunno what the hell has happened .,. Might need some seaweed and Epsom salt spray to help them out
sounds like just what the pepper doctor ordered.
Issues,issues neglect and time conspire to cause more issues, however where there is an issue there is a fix. Found the issue (jiffy pellet users beware of new netting type) and fixed it but not before it caused major slowdowns on all my seedlings .... More details soon. Its been a long while ...
Hey Trippa - looks like the springboks got hammered lol - nice one! How goes it with the Reapers? Funny you should mention the thing with the Jiffy pellets here in SA. Last season, despite watering well, a number of my plants never grew once in the ground. It became apparent at the end of the season when taking the plants out for overwintering that the netting around the pellets never broke down in the soil. Not sure if I did anything wrong, but I decided as a result not to use pellets this season! Hope you are over the swine flu?
WalkGood said:
Nice to see ya back, sad to read about issues but sounds like you have dem under control ... have a great week mon!
Thanks Ramon !! It was minor issue once I found it but I had neglected them due to life circumstances and wasn't onto it as quickly as I needed to be ... Lost a seedling sadly as I caught the issue too late.
Basically the jiffys had become compacted inside the new type of netting and severely restricted the root growth... I didn't think it would kill them but it did one ... Unreal!!
Ended up digging the 5-6 worst affected ones up and stripping the netting off and they coloured up nicely and are growing again now ... Things we learn each season ay??
GA Growhead said:
The white felt material? The last box i bought had that kind of stuff versus the netting they used to have.
Yeah that's the stuff ... Last season it was a fine mesh netting that just split and the roots pushed through ... This crap needs to be torn off or it binds some plants roots pretty severely... More through the compression of the peat I believe .
PeriPeri said:
Hey Trippa - looks like the springboks got hammered lol - nice one! How goes it with the Reapers? Funny you should mention the thing with the Jiffy pellets here in SA. Last season, despite watering well, a number of my plants never grew once in the ground. It became apparent at the end of the season when taking the plants out for overwintering that the netting around the pellets never broke down in the soil. Not sure if I did anything wrong, but I decided as a result not to use pellets this season! Hope you are over the swine flu?
Cheers Lourens !! Yeah was a tough test match ruined somewhat by the send off but I thought the All Blacks played well regardless ... Will be a different story on the return fixture at Ellis park in 3 weeks time though .. Will be tough to get a win for the all blacks ... Springboks will be fired up no doubt!
Yeah I will be making sure to remove all netting from now on because of this new web/felt style crap ... Some plants seem fine though albeit a little slower then they should be
Reapers will be potted up this week .,.. Neglected them as well but they are alive and will be fine!!
Trippa said:
Cheers Lourens !! Yeah was a tough test match ruined somewhat by the send off but I thought the All Blacks played well regardless ... Will be a different story on the return fixture at Ellis park in 3 weeks time though .. Will be tough to get a win for the all blacks ... Springboks will be fired up no doubt!
Yeah I will be making sure to remove all netting from now on because of this new web/felt style crap ... Some plants seem fine though albeit a little slower then they should be
Reapers will be potted up this week .,.. Neglected them as well but they are alive and will be fine!!
Good news you and the Reapers are ok... yea, there was a bit of mumbling about the reffing... but hey, them All Blacks are a super team - next match will be one to watch for sure!
 I have my two Reaper plants from last season and they are straight back to business - loads of flowers already ;)
Trippa said:
Issues,issues neglect and time conspire to cause more issues, however where there is an issue there is a fix. Found the issue (jiffy pellet users beware of new netting type) and fixed it but not before it caused major slowdowns on all my seedlings .... More details soon. Its been a long while ...
When I move them to pots I always remove the fiber casing, call me paranoid...glad you solved the problem!
I hear ya on everything conspiring to cause problems and take up chilli time :P  I'm looking at a scaled down season this year.  
Any recent pics?