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Use these three words

My bobby-pin held my marshmallow and peanut parfait together long enough for me to devour it.
goofball, granite, peak
I was quarterback on my highschool goofball team, but it was the granite in the peak of my dome that kept me alive.

Wednesday, barracks, silly-putty
The soldiers all gathered in the barracks for the annual Wednesday silly-putty bounce-off.
sousaphone, yo-yo, deal
Utilize you strenths and put them all on your resume, I told my son. His resume reads: I'm awesome on the sousaphone, pretty good with a yo-yo and I once was able to deal during dads poker night.

Fist, oatmeal, rocket
The first ever rocket that I built contained an engine that could use spent oatmeal as a fuel source.
happily, ninja, fever
Received an invite to a party at a gravel pit.A notice a few drunken strangers as i near the keg of beer holding my lolipop.
The military launched hot dogs at the ufo only to see it disappear, and not even a stethoscope could reveal it's true location.  
wagon, llama, thimble
After just a thimble full of the moon shine Ben sent me I felt as though I was wagon master driving llamas to Market.

Frog, cookoo-clock, publish
I had to publish my thesis on molecular biology before my cookoo clock struck midnight, or the mutant frog from down the road was going to eat me. 
borscht, clumpy, grenade
The sly old fox was pounding down a double cheese burger as he prepped the skating rink with a Zamboni.
operation, guild, welder
I found a padilla in my Havarti sandwich but could not determine the degree of damage it caused.
mouse, grain, aim
Taking careful aim, after loading 16 grain rocksalt, I took aim and blasted that mouse back to toon town.

Ravioli, scratch, frog
I went into my favorite Italian restaurant and asked the chef to surprise me,i was served frog stuffed ravioli made from scratch.

My boysenberry and cilantro pie was tainted with the awful smell of burning diesel from being delivered on the back of a truck.  
crutch, wild, loop