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Use these three words

Alfred sure enjoyed a spot of tea in the afternoon, but he loved toking on his hooka even more.
creatine, bald, cartoon
My mother thought I was up to mischief when my burrito farts displaced all the oxygen in the room and suffocated my friends. 
quixotic, gland, tube
My assignment, though quixotic in nature, included using the pituitary gland to replace the fallopian tube. Naw, just kidding.

Bauble, cubby-hole,caddywhompus
My bauble was shoved into the cubby-hole at the train all caddywhompus. so now I have to pry it out with a crowbar.
heal, Benadryl, goober
Once again Benadryl came to my rescue. After stepping on a dry roasted goober my heal swelled up to the size of a basketball.

trident, vape, cornholeo
Cornholio owned the vape lounge and used his trident of terror to reek havoc on his competitors.
dildo, grief, magnatron
The damn magnetron gave me nothing but grief, but trying to find a wooden spoon in this house was worse. Finally I said phuckit and used ma's dildo to stir my chili.

Sexwax, tube, backpack
A burly man gave t0mato a pearl necklace, so he made him a cinnamon spice pickle cake. The rest is history.
#eat #fluid #knobby
I've always been wary of taking things that far but not any more...
The Hot Pepper loves to eat the creamy white fluid secreted from the knobby shaped trees of Gilgamesh.
......and I'll bet you thought I was going somewhere else didn't you? 
Bent, hill, fire
You forgot to put three words. Game over. You lost!
Well it lasted a couple years. I guess I won since I posted the last 3! No edits.

Rymerpt said:
The person before you gives you three VERY UNRELATED words anb you write a short way of using all three:

Bobby pin, greek yogurt, eyelash
Seeing as the example was 5 words this game was doomed from the start. :rofl:
I won this game and all I got was some old cheese, I see you grinning, maybe I'll hire an assassin!
ruin, flood, bark
Nope, but I rode my bicycle 300 miles to a Bieber concert under grey skies, as a montage of his concerts ran through my mind :lol:
#go #fart #beak
As I was frying my eggs in bacon grease I noticed that the giant walnut tree cast a humongous shadow over my neighbor's pool.
melody, harbinger, clue