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Use these three words

While on lunch break from harvesting seasalt from the flats of the delta, I retrieved my balut only to find it was starting to hatch, totally messing with my salt harvesting mojo.
Gentleman, Fire, Underground 
I really like red wine but not the whites and I smoke a metric ton of weed every year.
Well, Journey, Eel
I caught a mullet on a piece of hotdog, to my surprise it shouted FREEDOM, so i released it.
Candy, Bobber, Limbo
I saw a monkey once that was painting a mural. MF had some skills I tell ya. I gave him five bucks ( all the money I had) to buy more green paint.

Chalk, park, poppins
I always carry in my fanny pack my Poppins candy to stay focussed and extra chalk when I'm battling hop scotch in park

waterfalls, catfish, sunrise
Its lovely to walk near the lake hand in hand with my lover enjoying the sunset...wink wink!
Downloaded this ambient music of the rainforest on my computer and you can almost feel the raindrops falling down through the canapy.

VW Bus, hitchhiker, tequila
Picked up a hitchhiker on interstate 5 while on my way to Tijuana,Mexico in my vw bus,we took tequila shots all the way to the border.

Watch out cats-a women in Texas has taught her pet armadillo how to play the piano and is all the buzz on the internet.

Mountains, monster, madness
In the moutains of the pacific north west if is sheer madness to believe there is a monster lurking named bigfoot.

Scientist have discovered an ancient Chinese book that proves that mozzarella cheese was first created in China.

Asshole, candy bar, tapeworm..........(have ya heard the joke)
What an asshole! That phucker just ate all of the candy I had sitting on my desk. I hope a tapeworm overtakes his system.

Caribbean, cherry, dessert