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Use these three words

nate6279 said:
OK, who went submarine style into that tang to make it smell like fertilizer?
Crabs, Umbrella, Asteroid

Nice, very nice.

After a beautiful day on the beach eating crabs and drinking umbrella drinks, we stayed up to watch the asteroid shower.

Highway 99, Galt, cows
While driving down highway 99 near Galt I passed a billboard that was talking about cows and dairies.
Pee Wee Herman, Stool softener, Magnum P.I.
And the question is: "What does stool softener, Pee Wee Herman, and Magnum PI have in common"? Rymerpt for the win. "They are all just crap, Chuck".

Fly line, mayfly, Cheetos
Got me some new floating fly line, tied up some mayflies, ready for troutseason baby. Trouble is, I have a mayflyy almost completely covered in orange Cheetos dust.

Platapus, hot chocolate, striptease
Before she showed me her platapus during the striptease, I had to loosen her up by spiking her hot chocolate with hhhwiskey...................................
Scovie, Rymerpt, Sicman
Scovie & Sicman are legends on THP. Rymerpt, on the otherhand, is an old fat chilihead that puts maruga powder in his fudge and spends his days in the fun zone.

Pigs feet, lemon drop, acorn
While eating pigs feet under an oak tree, what sounded like a lemon dropping behind me actually was a very large acorn.
Halibut, Crayons, Roses
I spent the entire day fishin out of Berkley for halabit,but got freakin skunked. The evening, however, was spent belly down on the rug drawin crayon roses with my 6 year old angel.

Bait, cigar, lucky hat
I set to catch a pest in my backyard last night using a tuna as bait, only to catch my ole neighbor in my homemade trap wearing a lucky hat smoking a cigar.
vaporizer, rototiller, orange juice 
Whatever you do never snort orange juice! I tried kleenex, vics vapor rub, and a vaporizer. Nothin will unclogg my damn nose. I swear i'm about to break out the rototiller just so i can breathe.

Peanut brittle, hair spray, cat hair
Damn, dropped my peanut brittle into cat hair. Now what was that saying? God made dirt and dirt don't hurt? No that won't work. This is cat hair. Maybe if I spray it with hair spray?

Taco Bell, fire sauce, Tums
Taco Bell? Fire sauce is just not hot enough. Many more people would eat at you stores if you made the sauce sellection hotter. Just think, you could sell tums to the other guys.

Prime, orange juice, avalanche
At harvest time the prime location is under the table, that is to avoid the inevitable pepper avalanche. Oh and watch out for your Orange juice because I think I heard a splash.

Labeled, pickle, possum
One of these days I'm gonna hire me a french maid that can not only make a killer Koolaide, but knows how to change the motor oil too.

Bobby-pin, canary, toothpaste
I locked myself out of the bathroom so I had to use a bobbi-pin to get in to get the toothpaste because my canary likes to polish its own talons with it.
Morse Code, Pretzels, Woodpecker
I always feed the local woodpecker pretzels. I love the way he seens to peck out SOS in morse code on the side of the neighbors house.

Daughter, boyfriend, tactic