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Variegated Jalapeno Grow Log

So a couple years back when I was working on a commercial grow for a greenhouse I spotted this guy when I was sorting through a few dozen of our Jalapenos in 512 cell trays.  It wasn't likely to be a cross, as the seeds came from isolated seed stock from a company that only sells to nurseries. None of the other plants we had ended up looking like this. I was keeping a close eye on them.  We didn't offer any variegated peppers there at the time, so I had a hunch it was something special.  I took it home with me and tossed it in a SOLO cup.  

Where I found him:

A bit later on that season I snapped a few more pics of the plant.  

I waited for the pods to ripen and saved seeds, hoping for good things.   They took a long time to ripen and were quite corked.  Unfortunate that I didn't think to take better photos at the time:

Shortly afterwards I started some of those seeds and these guys turned up:

This is about as far as I managed with them, as I moved three hours away and started a new job.  Many of my plants were severely neglected for a span of a few months and all but one of them kicked the bucket.  I'm happy that I sent out seeds for these to several folks (who did have success with them!) and I am starting to grow some more thanks to Paul G and Chris Phillips. 

That's where I am right now!  Hopefully Canedog, Paul and Chris will chime in with their experience growing them.

HeatMiser said:
It's been really interesting to see these plants develop. The leaves start out all wrinkly:
That seems to be the norm, HM. The
variegated foliage does not seem to support
the plant growth as well as the green foliage.
I think the sweet spot is a mixed foliage plant
for the time being. We'll see what develops.
Maybe one of us will get lucky and get a specimen
with nice smooth variegated leaves and good
growth habit.
PaulG said:
That seems to be the norm, HM. The
variegated foliage does not seem to support
the plant growth as well as the green foliage.
I think the sweet spot is a mixed foliage plant
for the time being. We'll see what develops.
Maybe one of us will get lucky and get a specimen
with nice smooth variegated leaves and good
growth habit.
Yeah, I still really like the way they look though, they are awesome looking plants. Hopefully somebody will hit the jackpot with a smooth looking one!
i just planted four of them.  waiting to see if im lucky and they'll grow.
A seventh hook today! The variegated green
seems pretty viable! I imagine you will have
good results!
Only one from the variegated ivory and none
from the white pod, yet.
i just planted four of them.  waiting to see if im lucky and they'll grow
No luck needed with your mad skillz, Scott!
 Here's to an interesting grow!    :cheers:
i wish i was that talented.  :lol:
hoping my luck holds out.  i only had 6 seeds and got 4 spouted.  ill keep my fingers crossed. ;)
Four out of six, not too shabby!
The Variegated Jalapeño, both mottled green and ivory
variegated, seeds are performing well, 7/8 for 87.5%.
Unfortunately the white pod hooks have yet to make an
appearance. Upper left, Orange Spice Jalapeño, also 87.5%:

I'm a bit disappointed that the white aren't emerging yet.
Does anyone else have experience with the white pod
variety seed I sent out? I didn't have very many, so there
aren't too many people growing it. I didn't write to whom
I sent what  :rolleyes:
Look at those white leaves!
Hoping for a great future for that little plant!
Good to see some VJ's up and running!
In cups, already! :thumbsup:  :clap: I've been dragging
my feet.
I'm using larger germinator cells, so there is
room for a couple of weeks of growing in
them before transplanting. Motivates me
to be lazy!
I'l probably go directly into either 2-liter
square pots or #2 Nursery pots. For some
those will be final their homes.
Can't say enough how much I like your growing
set-up. Best balcony grow I've seen on the forum!