Now for the positive vibes:
Darth - you're friggin hilarous. Slow as molasses poured uphill in the winter, but funny as hell. Love the shout outs to the sponsors and the obvious pain you suffered in finishing this contest. You had a good time, and I salute your efforts. If my math is right, you took over 28 mins to finish this, which was at times painful, but you're a funny dude and I really enjoyed your video. You handled the habs no problem - I figured you'd not struggle with 'em. And your life coach is funny too.
Compmodder - you are a bad ass. You ate that shiz like a man and powered through it in 17:38. The habs were clearly no problem for you either and I am impressed. Loved the video - loved the determined effort. Appreciate the shout outs and you nailed this one.
Detgirl - I'm stoked the community voted to allow your video. It wouldn't be right for a power outage to deny you entry (plus then we wouldn't have had a 3rd place as it turned out!) - but you powered through this as bad ass as any of the dudes for sure and showed some mad cleavage to boot - usually we only get that when Biz is wearing a tank top.
You are absolutely a bad ass for finishing this one - the habs didn't appear to give you much trouble either and damn you killed that sammich! I didn't say this before the challenge entries, but I can't eat a subway foot-long either. I was impressed. For your 1st challenge of any sort you did a great job. 18:26 is a solid time!
I'll add up the scores at 4:00 PST - maybe we'll get a few more votes in the next 40 mins. For now those are the times I got. If anyone wants to double check the times I would be appreciative - I certainly can make mistakes.
IF these times are validated as correct, then it goes:
Comp - 5
Det - 4
Darth - 3
I know there was overlap in Darth's video so it's possible I messed up the timing of this. Would love if someone could help out in validating that time for me. Don't wanna rob anyone here.