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contest VOTE! Second Annual Memorial Day User-land BBQ Contest

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JoynersHotPeppers said:
That chocolate ghost is one of my favs but then again it is awesome in the smoked 3 ghost powder as well! 
Thanks for spreading the love G, just DO NOT send them back my way  :dance:
Giving away stuff - especially when it's awesome and you haven't even had it yourself - must be worth karma-and-a-half, right? ...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I love the love, cheers!
Looking forward to the feedback on the unreleased smoked stuff ;)
Exactly, there's really a lot of powder in those, and those I know were made at least in part due to my own repetitive not-so-indirect suggestion, so off course I'm reaching for them 1st ...
If you look at my food posts, I almost always end up picking the stuff that people send me in little baggies, or white labels ...
Dividing up the HS's now, by brand ... to divide and conquer ...
Random awesome to-go ...


Oooh European!

Boss was kind enough to send me this along with a mango variant, which I'll keep and try ...

This is the habanero variant from a three-pack of salts from the place that I feel makes the best salt products ...


Originally I had three SJ Reaper packs for prizes, but Danielle liked it, so now there's just one ;)


That stuff is well-made ... and yeah, it's hot ...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Won't be long now!
damn, dat color ...
muskymojo said:
Are there rules posted somewhere?
Looks like quite the contest!
There are really basically no rules ...
Just post it up ...
The voting is multiple choice, so the cream will rise to the top, people's choice style ...
Throughout the course of the week I'll start getting an idea how many ways to subdivide the pile ...
There's some interesting offers from members to use to help get a bunch of prizes out there - for instance, HM01 offered to send some jelly, and Ozzy's offered some future jelly, and Boss's offered to pick an entry himself for a membership prize etc etc ...
I think since JHP understandably doesn't need heat, if he wins I'll use his winning's to get a box to a soldier with SL's help, and then I'll send him some beer-making shit myself ...
It seemed to just work last year, and so long as it doesn't go sour, I'll just keep wingin' it each year for as long as it's fun ...
Booma said:
Well well well, grant woke me up, and i drank a couple litres of beer too much last night, but i was planning on doing some q today anyway.
Will drop some in for the hell of it
I'm going to utilize Bumper's kind offer to sponsor a prize, to send you a box (if you win one, achem), which Bumper will appreciate (since I know how he feels about all the US stuff not being open to AUS's) ...
The Hot Pepper said:
good light ...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
You wish, notice the grass sucka!
Would have to be curves ... not just a filter, I agree ...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I am lucky to have a south facing backyard which always gives me the goldenhour...currently not happening but I love it when it lines up with beer and food shots ;)
I know - I'm EST too, ya know ;)
tctenten said:


Smoked bacon wrapped burger on homemade buns. Topped with cheese and Texas Creek BBQ sauce. Hot dog with homemade kraut and some JHP piggy wiggy slaw.
Oh hell yes!
I could pound one of those bacon burgers right meow ...
Sliced pickle like I like, char on the bun for my M's ...
Nice, man ...
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