contest VOTE! Toast TD

Vote for the best meal with TOAST and a drink TOAST!

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The Hot Pepper

Vote for the best meal with TOAST and a drink TOAST!
Me and Dan barely made it too.....

....stupid photobucket. Stupid Playstation 3, Stupid router, Stupid DSL, Stupid bed this morning feeling sooooooo gooooood......
No I didn't make it. Forgot the drinkie lol.

The negative reputation option is not for people who don't vote for you. That's not cool!
Wow that was pretty tough. All really good entries. JayT and Paulky's final dishes looked so delicious, frydad's pulled toast is inspired :P, and Sum's sourdough looked pretty awesome. Since it was a toast throwdown, making your own bread scored extra points with me and rooze included several delicious looking home made breads...
To me, it's a fight between JayT, Rooze and P2K.

FD's pulled toast was actually mighty tasty, and was devoured in seconds while laughing.

I'm leaning towards Rooze simply because he made his own bread... and pulled out all the stops... and made towers... and had flags... and made his own sausage... and had great photos... and...
Hey thanks for the votes. I'm humbled. Still eating leftovers and enjoying them! This is a cool thing you've got going's been a blast so far! :)
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