misc What is the super hottest pepper with a very short production period?

Sounds like fertile ground for an experiment :)

that's what I'm thinking lol, well for now since these are my main set of plants I will just see what the change in my ferts will do since I just got in the Fox Farm Tiger bloom that is 2-8-4 (with the added 2-0-0 from Cal-Mag) will give it 4-8-4 and see if it boosts it, but, once I get those pods and the seeds from those crosses planted, I should have about 20-30 extra random plants that all I care about is how the pods turn out from the crosses, so I will have a nice group to do some more strenuous and "even" tests on to see how fast I can get those babies to ripen! plan on doing a bunch of crosses this summer, but these 2 (the Bulgarian Carrot X Tepin, and the Bulgarian Carrot X Pretty Purple Pepper) are 2 that have some full grown pods on and just need them to ripen, so I will be able to get some F1 pods out of them this year, for F2 plants next year, since they only take about 1 1/2 months to get some pods on them.. 2 at the most and that was under the grow lights, the sun should be a little quicker :D

Aren't bananas supposed to make things ripen faster?
that's for pods and stuff that are off the plant as far as I know. it has to do with the gases that it releases I think.. saw something about it a few years back, and have heard it mentioned a few times on here lately.
Bananas can help ripen since they have lots of ethylene gasses, but it would be difficult to contain these gasses around the chile plants/pods