misc What is the super hottest pepper with a very short production period?

Its been a while since I looked at the hybridization table, but I don't think c. Pubescense will cross with c. chinense...

I might be wrong there... But I don't think so... Definitely something to look into.

You're right, those won't cross. All you can really cross are C fruitsense, C annuum, and C chinense, which are more closely related (might be considered a subgenus, dunno), unless we are talking about a different set or subgenus of capsicum. When you cross interspecifically, you will have reduced pollen production if you succeed. I think c.chinese x c. fruitsense results in 20% pollen production in F1 plants. Don't quote me on that, I'd have to reread the research I read experimenting with hybrids. Some will not cross, produce dead pollen, or produce sterile fruit depending on the parent combination and species being crossed. If you can, I'd keep the cross in the same species. I think you will have to backcross or run into genetic problems with pollen production.
Breeding within the same complex is usually not that much of a problem, its when you try to breed outside the complex(annuum complex in this case) where you will likely run into a lot of issues
You can cross anything within the same genus in this case is Capsicum so if you cross a C chinense with a C pubescense it would work for a refrence Habanero Manzano
You could do C chinense with C galapagoense for a refrence Impact from rainbow chile seeds
as long as its in the same genus it should be able to cross and i think peppers produce viable seeds not seeds that are sterile
Chromosome count makes a difference as well X - Galapagoense for instance is 26 chromosomes IIRC.

Making a hybrid, and being able to make that hybrid stable are two different things.
You can cross anything within the same genus in this case is Capsicum so if you cross a C chinense with a C pubescense it would work for a refrence Habanero Manzano
You could do C chinense with C galapagoense for a refrence Impact from rainbow chile seeds
as long as its in the same genus it should be able to cross and i think peppers produce viable seeds not seeds that are sterile

No, a pubescens X chinensese will not work. Habanero manzano is not as it appears!
I bookmarked this a while back...


Took me a while to sort through the bookmarks and find it, but it seems while fruit may be produces, seeds are not.

Some can only be started by culture.
You can cross anything within the same genus in this case is Capsicum so if you cross a C chinense with a C pubescense it would work for a refrence Habanero Manzano
You could do C chinense with C galapagoense for a refrence Impact from rainbow chile seeds
as long as its in the same genus it should be able to cross and i think peppers produce viable seeds not seeds that are sterile

You can only do an f1 with c. chinese and c. galapagoense. The F1 seeds will not be viable.

Edit: if you want to give yourself a good botany experiment, you could test to see what species will cross and produce fertile F1 seeds.

I bookmarked this a while back...


Took me a while to sort through the bookmarks and find it, but it seems while fruit may be produces, seeds are not.

Some can only be started by culture.

Thanks. Hmm, looks like I was wrong according to this chart. I guess some can cross outside of the block (c. chinese, c. annuum, and c. frutescens) I was talking about. Hmm, I wonder why we don't see stable interspecific crosses outside of that block.
let,s try to make a :

Jalapion (scorp and jalapeno)
or jalapot or jalapod (7pot and jalapeno)

someone here has done that so far?
let,s try to make a :

Jalapion (scorp and jalapeno)
or jalapot or jalapod (7pot and jalapeno)

someone here has done that so far?

Those of us interested in creating a faster superhot should try out different combos imo. I'm gonna take an early jalapeno and cross it with a naga morich. It's difficult to get two species to be fertile though.
I'll let you know if anything interesting becomes of my possible Scorpion(?)/early chinense cross in the handful of F2s I've started. I started them late, so if they do ripen before my lease is up they must be haulin'...

And you all realize that you'll need to test multiple pods to have a sense of the overall heat and flavor... for each plant...

You should probably just apologize to your toilet now.
too funny sync :)

I do realize this.

Do keep us posted.

I agree, if the only criteria we are looking for is FAST, then we should try a number of different things (1 or 2 each) and compare notes in terms of how long they took... Perhaps 16 of each F1 minimum?
Thanks for the explanation i guess the impact seeds i got from vladan wont produce f2 seeds :( but oh well :)

Im still waiting to see which superhot i have the most plants of before i decide to cross one but for the early producer its going to be a ring of fire x (put superhot name here)
I'll go with my particularly vigorous Cayenne :)... It was first up, and first to pod out of everything in my garden.... Even beat my overwinters to pod.
Hmm, my cayenne came up fast too (it's about to open its flower). I started the jalapenos much later though. I think either one is a good idea for a cross with a superhot. I always wanted a hotter jalapeno, heh.

Thanks for the explanation i guess the impact seeds i got from vladan wont produce f2 seeds :( but oh well :)

Not all is lost. You can verify that the F2 of that cross doesn't produce seeds or disprove that it's impossible.
"Webofhair jalabanero" if memory serves...

I don't think it was ever really stabilized... Just lots of seed passed out in f2 or f3 or so...

Also currently, the applied definition of superhot precludes habaneros (though not habanero types)... When someone on the forum says superhot, they are talking about Bhuts, or scorpions, and 7pots of some color or strain (or the odd bih, or some such).
yep no Hab but a superhot (around 1millions scoville or more)

if i had douglahs flowering i would try it with that

might use my Naga Viper....

to be continued!
yeah.. maybe your right...

anyway i have plenty of Brain strain and butch T near flower period...
will try to make some cross this week end