misc What is the super hottest pepper with a very short production period?

I was thinking of mixing my early jalapenos with something. The hottest I got are Butch Ts but they don't taste that great from what I've heard. Wish I got brain strain instead now, lol. I can mix it with a naga morich, a fatalii, devil's tongue, or bhut jolokia. I don't think it'd be a good idea with a bhut jolokia since it's already an interspecific hybrid.
I've heard the same thing about the Scorpion BTs... I do like the Naga flavor, Fatalii is also pretty tasty. Then again, if you cross the BTs with something that already has a good flavor, you might be heading in the right direction...

I'd rather have flavor over intense heat any day... but then, I never claim to be a chilehead, just a chile appreciator.
on my side i have biker billy jalapeno and fresno. (as annuum)

i might try to mix fresno and brain strain or other 7 pot.

i know that the fresno's flower produce a lot of polen so for sure i will use this polen on some brain strain or 7 pot.
will try to do it on the reverse also (polen of 7 pot on a the fresno plant.

as long as we have some sample that worked to spin a new gen.
I just have a 7pot BS yellow and possibly a Chocolate Bhut, but the Bhut is lagging and my season is truncated so I probably won't have time for crosses... doubt I'll even get ripe pods on the superhots. We'll see.
I was thinking of doing something very simmiler to what you guys are doing :) except not for early production :) I was thinking of doing superhot crosses with my:
Tomato Peppers
Bells (i know i probably have a lot more bell pepper varieties then most as i cant list them all) I want some giant super hots :P
Cayennes (i was thinking ring of fire for shot production time as i get ripe pods in 50-65 days after transplant)
and Ornimental peppers for some rainbow superhots :)

I have the following super hot varieties:
7 Pod
7 Pod Barrackpore
7 Pod Brain Strain
7 Pod Burgundy
7 Pod Chiguanas
7 Pod Douglah
7 Pod Infinity
7 Pod Jonah
7 Pod Long
7 Pod Yellow
Antlies Fire
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Assam
Bhut Jolokia Carbon
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia Orange
Bhut Jolokia Peach
Bhut Jolokia Purple
Bhut Jolokia White
Bhut Jolokia Yellow/Lemon
Dorset Naga
Habalokia Red
Habalokia Yellow
Habalokia White
Impact (bhut Jolokia x C Galapagoense)
Kaval ( 7 Pod Yellow x Paternero)
Naga Morrich
Scorpanero Neon Yellow
Scorpanero Peach
Scorpanero Red
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Cardi
Trinidad Scorpion FG
Trinidad Scorpion FG Mustard
Trinidad Scorpion Mouruga Orange
Trinidad Scorpion Mouruga Red
Trinidad Scorpion Mouruga Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Orange
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow

I guess i gotta see how many plants I have of each this year when i go to cross them :) hey maybe i might get a mouruga plant producing 2000000 shu peppers then crossing it with a bell with no heat gives me a giant superhot with 1000000 shus @^_^@
Probably oversimplifying the issue... and I have to wonder if there is a reason the superhots all have an extremely long time to maturity. This effort may be fruitless... so to speak.

Still, I agree that the Ring of Fire Cayenne is probably a good choice for annum. Good heat, early and prolific.
You are right potawie - I couldn't remember the exact percentage (and didn't want to google) just knew it was 90 something percent. 99+ is even better.

I believe I have read that the Ring of Fire cayenne is the one used in the maya red... If I do any crosses it will likely be with one of those (maya red). because I will lose less heat that way.

bear in mind, whatever you use, the heat will more or less find the mid point in between the mother and father.

Your best bet is most likely making crosses with both plants being the mother and father, on multiple flowers, multiple times so as to have the most possible seed to spread around to the rest of us. (I don't have the ring of fire, just a derivative)

If you use something that averages 1m scu and something that averages 1 scu, you might end up with 500k, if you use something that averages 250k and another that averages 1m scu, you might end up a good bit higher (shy of a stroke of genetic luck like Butch Taylor had that causes a couple hundred k boost).

Larger pods usually mean lower yield no?

(I had a Ring of Fire Cayenne last year and it never produced any pods... ever. I was extremely annoyed. Same potting mix and treatment as the rest of the plants, grew to be 4 feet tall, couldn't get the damn flowers to set pods. *shrugs* Oh well)

Yeah, that's why I think crossing anything with the intention of still having a superhot afterward is a bit optimistic... there is probably a compromise in there somewhere, you could always go for one of the early chinenses (still late relatively speaking) to up the chance of getting a good amount of heat. I think both Limon and Beni Highlands are pretty early for a chinense. Paper Lantern might also be worth looking into.
well the original statement for the holy grail is a rapid super hot pepper (suepr hot dosent mean to be in the same categories as 7 pot scop and ghost...

but if we could have something with a good yeild with a short harvest time that would be great!

even if it's a mutant jalapeno of "only" 300 000 Scvile my god that would just be something nice! a thick wall ealry producing pepper.

But... from what i can see the hottest peppers are all thin wall and have long time before harvest...
so each step toward a thicker wall early and high yeild pepper is good. might take a cross of a cross to attain that... might take years!

for the "hot" bell... you might want to start with Ancho peppers... it's already a bell type with some heat...

lets make a list of who want to elaborate somehting and what it is. and see who is interested.

so.. Who's in ?

(I had a Ring of Fire Cayenne last year and it never produced any pods... ever. I was extremely annoyed. Same potting mix and treatment as the rest of the plants, grew to be 4 feet tall, couldn't get the damn flowers to set pods. *shrugs* Oh well)

Yeah, that's why I think crossing anything with the intention of still having a superhot afterward is a bit optimistic... there is probably a compromise in there somewhere, you could always go for one of the early chinenses (still late relatively speaking) to up the chance of getting a good amount of heat. I think both Limon and Beni Highlands are pretty early for a chinense. Paper Lantern might also be worth looking into.

have you tried to Hand polenise your peppers? i have started doing that 2 weeks ago... i have so much more pod that sets!!!! before that they were always dying (cause i dont have insect in tha house so the best way for me was a little brush and Voila!
Haha, this was outside. No need to bother doing it by hand, though I did try it just in case... maybe the insects were prejudiced or something.
*pokes grow log*
What I have growing and producing flowers right now are WM brand Long thin Cayennes (one pod is currently about 7 inches! quite impressed considering the plants mother is terrible...) Jalapeno, thai sun and (i think) orange Habanero. I didn't write it down, but I am pretty sure that those went into the ground about 3 weeks ago... They've been in the garage since germination, which was started the last week of Dec, and culminated during the first week of the new year. Then after the last frost date, which was IIRC the second, or third week in feb, I planted out.

I have a variety of super hots growing, but none large enough to produce pollen yet.

I also have a ton of annuums, wilds, fructescens, etc... We really need to begin fleshing out our goals though before we start crossing... What color do we want? thick wall? thin wall? many seeds? few seeds? gnarly pods (like a douglah)? like a brain strain? like a Butch T? Like Moruga? What about taste?

So far we know we want something around habanero heat(?) and fast... Pablanos/anchos, are not half bad either... good tasting green or red (better red I think).

Jalapenos can have much higher yields though - 20-50 tons per acre, and some (big early) are still quite early...

Ok... Here is the growlist...

C. Chinense
Pimenta de Neyda
Aji Limo Rojo
Paper Lantern
Billy Goat (habanero type)
Bahamanian Goat
Dominican Red Habanero
Peruvian White Habanero
PI 260595 (Chinense)
Mayan Red
Habanero de Arbol
7pot BrainStrain
7pot White
7pot Red
NMSU Bhut Jalokia
Yellow Fatalii
7pot Primo
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Orange Hab
Tazmanian Hab
White Hab
Bhut Jolokia / Naga Morrich
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Trinidad Scorpion
Jamaican Chocolate Hab
Red Savina
Scotch Bonnet
7pot Douglah
T.S. Moruga Blend (brain strain?)
Trinidad Perfume
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Dorset Naga
Hinkelhatz (red)
Hot Lemon Hab
Red Congo Trinidad
Red Savina

sonoran Chiltepin (hand picked in Mexico)
Habanero de arbol
Hawaiian sweet hot (possibly Wailua)
Pulla Pepper (bolivia or Brazil)
Sunset (F1 hybrid)
Cascabel Chili (rattle, mirasol, bola, Ball. From Mexico)
Thai Super Hot (hybrid F1)
Florida Wild Bird
Numex Lumbre - 1-5k scu
Giant Sweet (bell?)
Numex Big Jim Legacy
Sandia A -Anaheim Type
Santa fe grande - usa
Ciliegia Piccante (Baccio di Satana aka Satans Kiss) - Italy
Chilhuacle Rojo (Chilguacle) Pablano type - Mexico
Black Scorpion Tounge
Wild Texas (Tomato? from the swap)
Cosa Arrugada
Big Dipper (bell)
Big early Jalapenos,
Long Red Thin Cayenne
Thai Sun
Pretty in Purple
Black Pearl
Purple Glow in the Dark (possibly the same as black pearl)
Yatzy aka Yatsufusa
Chili de Arbol
Firecracker Piquin
Peppermania's Big Ass Cayenne AKA Pepper Joe’s Cayenne
Golden Cayenne
Orange Cayenne
Mulato Isleno
Punjabi (Cayenne type I think)
Hot Banana Pepper
Sweet Banana Pepper
Big Bertha
Super Heavy Weight
Bangalore Whippets Tail
Las Cruces
Filius Blue
WM Brand Chili Peppers
WM Brand Mammoth Jalapeno
Pimiento Pepper
Hot Cow Horn
var. glabriusculum
Texas Chiltepin

C. Fructescense
Kung Pao
Pimiento de Padron
Thai Long
Wild Grove
Guam Boonie (guam)
zimbabwe Birds Eye Chili

C. Baccatum
Aji Yellow (Peruvian)
Bolivian Wild (TALL)
Inca Red Drop (peru)
Aji Lemon Drop (aka Kellu Uchu - Long Season. Origin: Peru)
Birgits Locoto (Bolivia)

C. Galapagoense

C. Chacoense
Unknown Cultivar

C. praetermissum
Cumari Pollux

Confirmed Hybrids
Thai Sun x Orange Habanero F1
Orange Hab x Scotch Bonnet F1
7pot Douglah x Butch T Scorpion F2
Thai Super Hot F1 (parents unknown - seed swap)
Sunset F1 hybrid (Parents unknown - Seed swap)

Bear in mind not all of them are listed (there are 20 possibilities that are in a seed mix I'm growing out 100 seeds for...) and not all of them (though about 50) are done germinating.

The more complicated we make it, the more seeds we will need to grow out.

Each successive trait exponentially increases the number of plants we have to grow out to find ONE containing ALL of the traits we are looking for...

For instance if we wanted just a yellow coloration, we would need to grow out 4, but if we wanted yellow coloration, and a particular growth habbit, we might have to grow out 16, and if we wanted to add a third gene (TMV resistance?) 64 plants! A fourth? well you get the picture...

This link is one I found for tomatoes, but the principal remains.

Super hot bell: well im not going to do my cross right away but grow a bunch of bell peppers and find the largest with thick walls first then i was going to cross it with a superhot that i have with the most heat.
Looking for Size and Super hot Heat (500,000) I might cross these again to get them bigger or hotter depending on what im looking for. (this might be one of my larger projects so it might take 20-30 years before im done. but since im 15 it should not be as big of a problem)

Ring of Fire Super Hot: Definatly gonna get these growing and try and cross these with a bhut or scorp so i get early productive super hot.
Looking for Early Production, Heat, and High Production

Super Hot Tomato Pepper: gonna cross one of these with a trini scorp or a rounder 7 pod so i can get the pimento shape of the tomato pepper with super heat
Looking for Tomato Pepper Shape, Heat

Rainbow Bhut/Scorp Looking to cross a 5 color or brazilian rainbow with a bhut/ scorpion or 7 pod to get a rainbow colored super hot
Looking for Color, Heat, bhut/triniscorp size

I might do a Aji Bhut cross so i can get the fruity flavor of a aji amerillo with a 500k shu heat

Im also intrested in making peach, mustard, and caramel colored bhuts, scorps, and 7 pods and also crosses that are between the bhuts and 7 pods maybe a cross of all 3 together :)

I might do a few more crosses this year if any one is intrested in helping me on this :) this will be the first time doing this so ill be doing it as a learning experiance :) Once my seedlings turn into the real things ill do the crosses and this years harvest ill share a few seeds with you guys with a pic of what im looking for :) cant wait to start this
Its been a while since I looked at the hybridization table, but I don't think c. Pubescense will cross with c. chinense...

I might be wrong there... But I don't think so... Definitely something to look into.

Also 20-30 years? that is an awful long time my friend, hopefully you finish it in 6-8, if you are able to grow them out every year...
I have a pube x chinense Habanero Manzano I got seeds this year from rainbow chile seeds its a possible trade but im afraid it might take 130-150 days after transplant to produce its my first year growing it who knows it might be 100 :)

Im hoping the same thing with 6-10 years but it might not work that way for me i might cross it again for more heat or more size we'll see :)

heres what i was able to think of off the top of my head that im growing this year and i can do crosses with :) (normaly i dont do this many but i have many varieties the seed is getting old and i have many new ones i wanted to try)

C annuum
Aci Sivri
Beaver Dam
Bird Dung
Black Scorpion Tongue
Brazilian Rainbow
Cabai Chile Tree
Calusa Indian Mound
Cap 1445
Cayenne Charleston
Cayenne Golden
Cayenne Long Thin
Cayenne Purple
Cayenne Ring Of Fire
Chiapas Piquin
Chervena Chushka
Chiltepin Sonoran Orange
Chocolate Cherry
Ebony Fire
Florida Wild
Holland Hot Finger
Holiday Time
Hot Ecuador aka Dragon tears
Huth's Red Tomato Pepper
Indian Jwala
Jalapeno M
Japonese Poinsettia
Lalbagh Bell
Little Elf
Monkey Face Red
Monkey Face Yellow
Naranji Bell
Peter Orange
Peter Red
Peter Yellow
Rat Turd
Red Bell
Rooster Spur
Royal Black
Sheepnose Pimento
Shepherds Ramshorn
Siling Haba
Sona Bell
Sweet Banana
Taza Bell
The Untouchable Sword Of Shiva
Tomato Pepper
Weaver's Mennonite Stuffing Bell
Wenks Yellow Hots
Yellow Bell
Yolo Wonder Bell
Zimbabwe Bird

C baccatum
Aji Bolsa De Dolse
Aji Jose
Aji Macho
Inca Berry
Queen Laurie

C chinense
7 Pod
7 Pod Barrackpore
7 Pod Brain Strain
7 Pod Bubblegum
7 Pod Burgundy
7 Pod Chaguanas
7 Pod Douglah
7 Pod Douglah Red
7 Pod Jonah
7 Pod Long
7 Pod Primo
7 Pod Yellow
7 Pod Yellow x Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
7 Pod White
Aji Cachcucha
Aji Umba Red
Aji Umba Yellow
Antilles Fire
Antillias Caribbean
Austrailian Lantern Red
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Assam
Bhut Jolokia Carbon
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia Orange
Bhut Jolokia Peach
Bhut Jolokia Purple
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Bhut Jolokia White
Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde
Bido Tacana
Birgit's Locoto
Black Stinger
Bonda Ma Jaques
Bonnet Bell
Cheiro Do Norte
Congo Black
Congo Red
Devils Tongue
Devils Tongue Red
Devils Tongue White
Dorset Naga
Ecuadorian Brown
Ecuadorian Devil's Breath
Fatalii Chocolate
Fatalii Red
Habalokia Peach
Habalokia Red
Habalokia Yellow
Habalokia White
Habanero Adalberto
Habenero Chocolate
Habanero Gambia Orange
Habanero Gambia Red
Habanero Green
Habanero Guadaloupe
Habanero Harold St Barts
Habanero Lemon Yellow
Habanero Long Chocolate
Habanero Long Red
Habanero Magnum
Habanero Manzano
Habanero Maraba
Habanero Martinique
Habanero Mili
Habanero Red Dominica
Habanero Roatan Pumpkin
Habanero Ugandian Red
Habanero Vietnam
Habanero Zavory
Hinklehatz Red
Machu Pichu
Madame Jeanette Yellow
Naga Morich
Numex Suave Orange
Numex Suave Red
Pimente De Neyde
Pimenta Moranga
Raja Mirchi
Scorpanero Neon Yellow
Scorpanero Peach
Scorpanero Red
Scotch Bonnet Foodorama
Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Yellow
Scotch Bonnet Orange
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Trinidad Scorpion Cardi
Trinidad Scorpion FG
Trinidad Scorpion FG Mustard
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Orange
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Red
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Orange
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise
Trinidad Scorpion Sweet
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow

C exile

C fruitsense
Naga Jolokia Purple
Siling Labuyo

C pratermissium
Cumari Parana

C pubescense
Ecuadorian Red Pepper From Hell
Rocoto Brown
Rocoto Red

C rhomboideum

C toverii
"Looking for Size and Super hot Heat (500,000) I might cross these again to get them bigger or hotter depending on what im looking for. (this might be one of my larger projects so it might take 20-30 years before im done. but since im 15 it should not be as big of a problem)"

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

Stay with it all the way, glad to see you have found this great hobby. I am amazed, thats all I can say.
yep this is my 7th year growing peppers and i havnt found a good reason (or a bad one) to quit :) i love challenging myself with the heat and the hottest thing i ate was a 7 pod infinity (a few different ocasions also :P ) main reason i have so mant varieties is because i do a lot of house work and landscaping and babysitting for my mom and she would rather buy me pepper seeds then another video game lol :) ($60 1 video game $60 25-30 pepper varieties) I also want to do botany and doing the peppers i guess helps me with it i spent a lot of time healing from a football injury so i collected many vegetable, flowers, and pepper seeds and plants it also helps i live 20 mins from where the chile pepper fest is held and meadow view farms (James weaver grows about 200 varieties each year) and 1 hour from Cross Country Nurseries :P