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What made you smile today?

EvanWilliams1988 said:
Gonna be a good fishing season.
I can already tell.
I hope so! As soon as the ice melts at Sunshine Resivoir, I am going to take Saoirse fishing for the first time.
Yup! She isn't quite 2 yet, so she can't quite fish herself, but I know she is going to have a spaz attack the first time she sees a fish that isn't in her fish tank.
Pariah said:
Yup! She isn't quite 2 yet, so she can't quite fish herself, but I know she is going to have a spaz attack the first time she sees a fish that isn't in her fish tank.
My daughter was more interested in the bait than anything else the first time.

She really like petting the fish,though.
OK, I have another. I let the raunchiest fart in bed with the wife. One that burns your nostrils. Not only could it gag a dog, but it has been 15 minutes, with a high powered fan going and it still reaks in here! I am so proud of myself.

Edit: Wow... It is bad! I am still going and I ended up setting off the alarm. Haha! I wish I could jar this up and send it to my mother in law!