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What made you smile today?

So I was telling the guys in the shop this morning that I need to lose weight after going to my checkup this past Monday. I told them my weight and one guy said "did you tell the doc it's all dick after midnight?"

Our 21 month old daughter is having a spaz attack playing with a little piece of nylon rope I was about to use. Watching carefully to make sure she doesn't hurt herself, obviously. Gotta take it away to use it in a minute, but right now she thinks it is the funniest thing on the planet just walking around with it.

Edit: And now the end piece is being shoved up her nose... Why did I see that one coming?!
Rymerpt said:
Cool!!! Kinda like soap on a rope. :rofl:
We buy her all these toys and she has the most fun with a piece of rope or an empty water bottle. The only toy that seems to have been worth purchasing is her tablet. That thing is a lifesaver, especially since almost everywhere we go is a minimum of an hour plus drive. Closest town to us is Cody, which is a 40 minute drive each way and we do that one 4-5 times a week. So 3 hours each way to Billings... Never have I been so excited to hear Barney and The Wiggles...
In about 15 min when my relief gets here to work and I can start getting ready to go home for two days. Next week my short week. Only work Wed-Thur

that's a lot of sushi, even with a team of people making it I imagine it's not all that fresh. Hell even if they made it all, refrigerated it and then assembled it by the time the assembly was done I wouldn't want to eat that. Unless they did it all in a giant fridge. 
Pissing off my sister tonight by responding to everything she says in German. She keeps saying, "I don't freakin' speak fluent Hitler!".
I have another for today: Family friend brought us homemade tamales. This woman makes the best Mexican. Hands down. Her food is always spicy, even for a sadistic chilihead like myself. But these she brought tonight... Wow! I am in pain! Not stopping me, but I know I am in for a rough morning.