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What made you smile today?

I'm watching a couple storm chasers live streams and two of them had me rolling. Both chasers are big ole boys with thick southern accents. They got into a heated, profanity laced argument on which fast food restaurant to go to. I watch them often and this is how they are 24/7. Very entertaining. Like a redneck soap opera with tornadoes.
Pariah said:
^Our daughter does the same! It's amazing how quick and sneaky kids are!
As soon as they can walk man.

The very second they realize they can reach stuff it's over.

Wasn't expecting her to like a bonnet though.

Since this morning she's been asking if she can have more of those "hot berries"
Rymerpt said:
Amen, brother! I wish I could share "my" boobies. They could save the world, I swear it! Haha!

My daughter had a spaz attack tonight over an isopod (roly poly). She is at that stage where she is aware of her surroundings. Any bug scares her. It is new. Foreign. I want to teach her about all the good bugs and bad bugs. Just like teaching her about reptiles. That excites me! Two of my favorite subjects. Creepy crawlies and family. I can't wait for the day I get to take her herping and she positively identifies a bullsnake, catches it and poses for a picture. Right up there with catching her first fish. Then I want to see her catch good bugs and let them go. That will make me so proud!

Tomorrow we are planning a trip to Greybull. It is a town of a little over a thousand people about an hour away from my current home in Meeteetse. I grew up nearby. Beautiful little town. One you'd feel safe raising a family in. From there we will travel 20 minutes to Shell, a town of less than 50. The town I lived half an hour from, but was considered a resident of. From there, up into Shell Canyon for pics of Shell Falls in the Bighorn Mountains. I can't wait! I love this area. Most beautiful place in the world to me. Be ready for proud dad and husband pics tomorrow!
Well, we went up Shell Falls in the Bighorn Mountains, but it was closed off for winter. So we came back down the mountain and took Saoirse to the Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite. She loved digging in the dirt for gryphaea, belemnites and crinoids. Didn't find any amazing specimens, but still found a lot for a heavily picked over area. This spot is a hotspot for gryphaea. Millions still litter the ground. Plus it has a giant dinosaur tracksite that you can walk down to and touch. And while eating dinner in Greybull we ran into two of my old teachers that I have seen in almost 20 years. That was neat introducing them to my family.

Going down Shell Canyon. Unfortunately due to the weather I couldn't get any good pics of the mountains from the base, but I got this going down.

Our daughter pointing at one of the dinosaur footprints.

Picking through the dirt for gryphaea.

Told ya it was loaded with gryphaea!



Beautiful sunset with rainshafts...


A few of the fossils Saoirse and us found. Gryphaea, belemnite pieces, a clam on a rock, crinoid pieces and the star shaped center of a crinoid.
