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What made you smile today?

Tulips and Easter Lilly sperated and planted ready for spring. Gardens clean and ready. Flats ready for herbs. Seedlings up and going. Thank God for a well planned growing season.
winland said:
I got 22 gallons of Gasoline today for $9.00
That is $0.409 per gallon.
Fells like I am back in 1972
The heck?! Where?! Still almost $2 a gallon here!

And so as not to spam: Depositing our refund check today. Woot!
And another: I am almost in tears here. Guy I know (kind of a dirt bag) slept with the village bicycle the other day. Today he hit up my buddy for money to go to the doctor because his *ahem* was on fire. What the hell did he think was going to happen?! Haha!
Ordered Breaking Benjamin tickets for March 21 in Billings, Montana. Then fly out the next morning to Las Vegas until the 27th. Got our upgraded room ordered at Excalibur and ordering our free plane tickets here in a few with my vouchers. I'm gooooood!