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What made you smile today?

Our 19 month old daughter, Saoirse, has been playing in a big cardboard box and the cat came over and hopped in. Saoirse proceeded to have a spaz attack telling the cat to get out. She would point and run towards the stairs out of the room and yelling, "GEEEET OOOOUT!!!". Not a "F" was given by the cat, obviously.
Cute story....
I gotta ask... how is "Saoirse" pronounced?  I have a niece named S'Rai, pronounces "Sir-RAIGH".  Just wondering.  :)
salsalady said:
Cute story....
I gotta ask... how is "Saoirse" pronounced?  I have a niece named S'Rai, pronounces "Sir-RAIGH".  Just wondering.  :)
It is a Gaelic spelling. Pronounced "sear-shuh". Her name is often simplified to "No!" or "Brat". ;)
Saw Star Wars - Episode VII: The Force Awakens this afternoon. Woot!


At the end...

... It fades to black with a bunch of writing...

Watching our daughter have a spaz attack opening her presents. She made out like a bandit! Electric 4wheeler, Cubby tablet, wooden retro kitchen (took 2.5 hours to assemble!), Build-A-Bear Darth Vader, etc.

And then watching my mother open hers (9" Tommy Gunn signature Cyberskin adult novelty toy).

And we got a 50" flat screen TV. Woot!

Now I am making dinner. Bird, sweet potato casserole, grits casserole, green bean casserole, buttered corn, pumpkin pie, you know, the essentials...
Found a good deal on a 29 gallon fish tank setup on a local Facebook classified ad group. Picking it up tomorrow. Our daughter loves fish, so this will be a good starter tank for her. I'm thinking dwarf gouramis, platys and mollies.
My wife to our daughter: "If you eat one more piece of bacon you can have pie."...

Kids these days have it much better than we did growing up!
Flashback to the "Mother of the year" whooping her 16 year old son's ass for rioting. Ya know, I am 31 years old, but I'd run like hell from my 58 year old mother, whom I tower almost a foot over, if she caught me doing something like that!
