• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

what the.... D:

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lol duude, plants are alive too.. ever think about that? .__.
what gives a mouse any more rights to live than a plant?

Because a mouse has a fully developed nervous system that can feel pain, and it's a mammal? Just because it ate your plant doesn't mean it's OK to torture it to death or do many cruel things to it.
Jules, like I said earlier, please show your interest in our common hobby before bashing people for what they do or don't believe is right. Take a minute to show that you are interested in peppers or hot stuff rather than just here to try and force your opinion of animal cruelty upon us. I asked nicely before and this is the last time. Lean back, take a deep breath and post a hello thread. It seems the damage is already done but you might be able to salvage your reputation just a little bit.
I've seen some of the comments on this thread, and they're completely disgusting and devoid of any brain cell. As well as sadistic. I don't give a damn if I ruffle the feathers of a couple of absolutely sick minded people on here. I made completely valid points (which were completely ignored), then accused of "not caring about human suffering", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. What does my interest in peppers have anything to do with that, and with the issue of this thread? Are you putting your mod hat on this one because you might not necessarily agree with me? Why are you on my case?

I'll have you know that quite a few people actually agree with me, and see some of the complete sick fuckery on this thread. Just look at the personal assumptions from that Dave2000 fellow, are you going to let that slide? Where is his reply?

You'd might as well lock the thread. I am done, I've made my point and pointed out the complete pigswill on this thread. No need to go in circles, I'll stop now, OK?

And lastly, as far as my reputation is concerned, anyone can read what has been said here, and make up their own minds. I do not care. I believe I have made strong points against incredibly weak arguments, that seem to attempt to justify excessive cruelty to such animals. In conclusion, there are a couple of people with really sick minds... I will not name them specifically, but reading the thread should be big enough of a hint. The more the sickos post about torturing little mice on traps and how that's OK, and how caring about that somehow means that one doesn't care about humans, the more my posts are vindicated.

i would make an intro thread, discussing my interest in peppers, but I wanted to wade through the pool so to speak. What I've seen so far, in this thread, I'm guessing this place is not really nice and full of cold callous people. That's not something I'd like to be associated with, so I am leaving. This'll be my last post.

What about fishing? If you catch a fish can you not pack it in a box to scale and gut later, must you end its life right then and there?
Uh, yeah, give it a quick bash to the head to stop it from suffocating. Its end is not in doubt, but why not get it there in the least painful way possible?

It doesn't look like anybody in this thread is interested in a rational discussion, but is it so rare to live your life with a little bit of empathy?
OkeeDokee - Dude, we're at day 7 of this saga! Any good news for us?!?! :D

Or will you be eating chiles from your plant before Mr. Mouse is caught?! hahahahaha

Have you re-sown any seeds to replace the plants you lost?
I've had an intermittent mouse problem at my place, and I've discovered that live traps just do not work. At least, none of the cheap ones do.

I can't remember the brand, but the mouse trap that worked the best was a baitless one. It just had a yellow piece of plastic as the bait, and I dunno if they soak it in something that attracts mice but two traps killed 40+ mice while the live or baited traps didn't get a single one. (By the time you notice mice, there are already way too many :| )

Maybe check out your local hardware store for that style of trap and see if it'll work.
is the pellet pooper dead yet...?


and you guy's all know i was just joking about the mouse/rat annihilation button... right...?¿¿¿ hahaha... darn tree huggin' hippy trolls... they don't understand that everything has to be in balance in nature... no mouse is above another mouse... just like in florida... black voliton lionfish are invading and eating all of the small damselfish and stuffs... at my local fish store, they cost a good amount of cash, and are amazing fish to own... but in florida many divers are just killing them for cash, sport and even practice... they're destroying their ecosystem and breeding like crazy....


did you throw away the other plants that got ate...? i have some that got their leaves knocked off like that, but they're taking forever to catch up to the rest...
Hey Gumbs - if they're growing at all - 'tis reason to celebrate!!!! :D

(and at least I knew you were jokin' about the Button!!!! You made me laff out loud!!!!!)
I really and thinking and hoping that the mouse escaped out of my garage, it seems like everything has been pretty still and quiet these past 2-3 days..
I'm scared to move plants back into there and to take out the traps though..
As for the plants that got eaten.. I'm hoping that at least some of them will come back and live again!
I've heard that mice HATE the smell of Bounce fabric softening sheets! If you do move your plants back in, maybe try tossing some of those around? I've also heard they hate the smell of cayenne (ironic, eh?!), peppermint and whole cloves...but that sounds like more work! :)
I've heard that mice HATE the smell of Bounce fabric softening sheets! If you do move your plants back in, maybe try tossing some of those around? I've also heard they hate the smell of cayenne (ironic, eh?!), peppermint and whole cloves...but that sounds like more work! :)

hmm, alriight well let's keep our fingers crossed!
I am going to wait a few days first though.
do those electronic things you plug into the wall and click every couple of minutes work...?

my neighbor says they do... but i still see mice coming out of their house when i'm watering... LOL...
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