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what the.... D:

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Well that size does suggest mouse rather than rat, but we have mice here by the bucket load & they never touch any seedlings.
Yep they crap everywhere but no damage at all to a single seedling or small plant.

Did all of them get destroyed in 12 hours or just one or two? and go to bed you nutter you can answer tomorrow.


yeaah.. daamn..
maybe it's getting pretty hungry because it's been in the garage for a while? that's my only guess..
& I was gone for twelve so idk, just sometime in those hours it happened, then I left for like an hour, and about 4 more plants were destroyed..

haha I will go to bed soon :P
You may need to secure the perimeter with razor wire and or an electric fence. I’ve been using glue traps placed inside of 4” x 3 ft length PVC pipe to combat our squire problem. The local squire population outnumbers the cats at least 3:1. Many neighborhood cats have not come home. Dogs seem to be ineffective at trimming their numbers as well.

I feel your pain brother!!
If you're losing them that quickly, set up a video camera and leave for another couple hours, see for yourself what's causing it.

I’ve been using glue traps placed inside of 4” x 3 ft length PVC pipe to combat our squire problem. The local squire population outnumbers the cats at least 3:1
Bloody squires!


...Beady little eyes....
yo, dude dude

get a couple of traps for them




a little peanut butter with seeds for bait and keep emptying and resetting til no more are found

dude those things spread fast.. all they do is eat, and make mousey porn, and have lots and lots of babies..

i would call and exterminator. you might trap the parents, but the babies will soon resurface and breeeeeeeeeeed..
Hey Dude...here's a thought...

Do you have any crickets/grasshoppers near where you live? They seem to explode in hot & dry conditions (which I think you've been having?), and I think I read that some places in Texas are having a hard time with them this year. Our grasshoppers usually explode in August - and what they've done to some of my plants in the past is sickening! They're fast too! And munch right down to the nubs like in that pic. They're evil. :)
You may need to secure the perimeter with razor wire and or an electric fence. I’ve been using glue traps placed inside of 4” x 3 ft length PVC pipe to combat our squire problem. The local squire population outnumbers the cats at least 3:1. Many neighborhood cats have not come home. Dogs seem to be ineffective at trimming their numbers as well.

I feel your pain brother!!
You may need to secure the perimeter with razor wire and or an electric fence. I’ve been using glue traps placed inside of 4” x 3 ft length PVC pipe to combat our squire problem. The local squire population outnumbers the cats at least 3:1. Many neighborhood cats have not come home. Dogs seem to be ineffective at trimming their numbers as well.

I feel your pain brother!!

daamn, that sounds intense..
I'm going to get myself glue traps..
my dog hasn't done anything D:

If you're losing them that quickly, set up a video camera and leave for another couple hours, see for yourself what's causing it.

Bloody squires!


...Beady little eyes....

I tried setting one up for 30 minutes and saw nothing :[

yo, dude dude

get a couple of traps for them



http://www.homedepot...tgry=SEARCH ALL

a little peanut butter with seeds for bait and keep emptying and resetting til no more are found


I will today!


Hey Dude...here's a thought...

Do you have any crickets/grasshoppers near where you live? They seem to explode in hot & dry conditions (which I think you've been having?), and I think I read that some places in Texas are having a hard time with them this year. Our grasshoppers usually explode in August - and what they've done to some of my plants in the past is sickening! They're fast too! And munch right down to the nubs like in that pic. They're evil. :)

that sounds terrible D:
but I'm pretty positive mine is a rodent :/
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