Thanks, Pauly, my grill skills are progressing, but I'm not sure I'm happy about that........
It's always been understood that anything on the grill was the responsibility of 'Dude. Now..that may not be the rule....
Aw, Well....he's very teachable
I do have to say that we've done 2 beef roasts, 2 chickens, and the spuds in the CI on the grill and I REALLY like how it cooks! Heat the pan up while the grill is heating, toss in the stuff, turn down the heat, and let 'er cook.
The dutch oven for the prime rib was the BEST! It seemed to transfer and radiate the heat to the sides of the roast. My CI pans are getting the best seasoning they've ever had. A couple of the pans, one being the 10" skillet used for the potatoes, have never been properly seasoned, but not any longer!
And the dutch oven used for the prime rib in the last throwdown was borrowed from a neighbor (the one who's husband stole the peppers for my chiropractor and planted them in his garden LOL). When I returned the dutch oven, she was amazed, the pot was wonderfully seasoned. She offered for me to take her other dutch oven and do the same thing to it.