Yesterday I was thinking it was time to get back to my roots and make something with green chiles. I have been so infatuated with all the new superhot sauces, powders, and purees lately I have been neglecting my original true love...Hatch Green Chiles. So I made a quick trip to the grocery store, and this is what happened. No fancy recipes or long list of ingredients here. I marinated a couple of T-bones and Tri-Tips in Claude's Brisket Marinade for a few hours (cause that's all the time I had), and slapped the goodness on the Weber grill. After the last turn, I covered steaks with some Big Jims. Notice the chiles were just turning red when they were picked...perfect! I measured the big one at 10" after roasting and cutting the stem off. To give this feast a bit of a kick, I added a layer of AJ's Fatalii Pure in between the chile and the meat. Oh yeah...heaven. The salad was covered with ranch dressing sprinkled with Wickedmojo's smoked bhut jalokia powder. So much flavor and goodness, you had to be there. That's how we roll in CA's house.